Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Back to Hard Work

I think it's pretty definitive for now. The reason why I have the link to view other bloggers with my undergraduate major is so users can see that I'm number one on the search page! The reason why this happens is because keeps track of people who update their posts the most recent. I am the one who has the most consistency out of the 1500+ other bloggers with a computer science industry label. For the most part, I'm having fun at this and doing it for no money. That's the thing; there's probably no money to be made and so not much of an incentive to keep this going.

For me to have written about random or stupid things and occasionally brilliant posts over the past 12 years, it's a marvel to how this blog even has this many visits without me even trying to advertise it. I haven't really added on any attractive photos either except for the times I joked around about getting a meaningless restraining order from a girl who was mad at me for writing about her church buddies being unattractive. The girl is still an idiot because she couldn't put me in jail and she thought I was a criminal while being a crazy girl over nothing. I don't know but it feels like that woman can't lose her monthly phase of being a little over sensitive and so should get some therapy to get it taken cared of!  At least I was being honest and she can't handle the truth!

The people who need to move on are those idiots because they still get mad thinking about it and it was nothing to begin with and from not being perfect people in general. They were acting like kids and just the same as me. It's something you realize after putting some work in yourself. I received the apology I needed from a lady who I believe liked me almost intensely from sharing a similar level of faith in Jesus. Yes, I believe you can score a very hot lady from believing in Jesus very intimately.

It's the past and it was funny and it's something to not get too crazy over and I have put so much work in myself that I am now ready to just not care about what those people think and tell them the truth about how I think they are so stupid if the need ever arises! I can challenge them to prove their claims and put me in jail for being so bad and they will fail miserably and give up in less than 24 hours. By challenging them, it shows them how they were so crazy to begin with over nothing and their ability isn't that good so they aren't even a reliable source of judgement in this area. This pretty much means I score a knockout without putting much thought into this already if I just challenge them and give them their space. I'll just continue being an honest guy and not too worried about this stuff anymore because it wasn't serious to begin with. It was just plain stupid, overall!