I have found out from being worn out at online poker, I could shorten the time I spend on it by doubling down the risk! Instead of one table to play super turbo poker, I can play two at a time and this will pretty much be grinding with my simple system I have come up with. I'm not going to discuss about it.
I also think I have a really good opportunity now to make a lot of money from only trading and playing poker. It will be like I won't even have to show up for regular work and live in a cozy home while being able to travel and donate to great charities I believe in wholeheartedly. I'm not going to discuss about how I'm going about it. What I'm doing may be interesting to some, but I don't believe in teaching others about it. I would prefer a person just put in the time and come up with it on his or her own or just go looking for sources that are accessible to help the person learn. I only came across all of this by going through my own ups and downs and it's now coming together.