Monday, August 27, 2018

Limited In My Choices

I think there's a nice and cute lady I'm taking a liking for. She's really cool in general but has a mental disorder that she is able to maintain under treatment. It's a major factor for me to consider when it comes to whether I'm going to pursue after her or not. I guess since I have this liking for her and attracted to her cuteness enough to at least have fun while being friends, I would want to explore if I'm really that compatible with her.

I really do like her personality and how sweet and mild-tempered she appears to be most of the time. It's a huge bonus, but she has a mental disorder at the same time! She isn't really chubby and her girly figure is really cute too but it's not really very exotic. She did say to me that she thinks I'm hot, so wow, I was like thanks and for her to be blunt like that to me is interesting. I think she likes me but she also mentions being interested in other ladies too!

All of these factors add up to how I just need to keep on meeting more girls and eventually it is all going to add up. What is another issue is that my parents are crazy traditional and I don't align with their ideology anymore so I'm not also picky about race. I can't make them mad because I have been such an idiot to still live with them under their own roof. I need to start making a lot of money to be able to support myself and won't care if they cut me off to their inheritance while being their only and oldest son. I can seriously make them feel very dissed and wanting to move on to the afterlife if I marry a different ethnicity. I guess when I factor it out, it's really on them and they shouldn't be weighing down on their kids like that. It isn't traditionally American and also God doesn't preach against marrying other believers with different nationalities. Some of the best marriages in the Bible have been between two different ethnicities like Ruth and Boaz and also David and Bathsheba but that was repulsive and spiteful with what David did.

I think my parents should just look to get some therapy to deal with their own personal issues or go for it together because I don't agree with their parenting methods at all. They took little things and saw it as something too serious and it had an affect on me, so I don't really care anymore if my parents don't want any part of my personal life from marrying a different ethnicity. I almost want to do it just to be daring against their own cultural views and also have some wild fun occasionally from being challenged living with another American with traditional views but being a different race. The thing though is that I think I'm open to having a dating relationship with an interesting and attractive female of any race now. Maybe too old or too young might be something I would love to avoid too.