Thursday, July 9, 2020

Motivation for Side Business

My side business that I have chosen to go into is investing and playing online Poker cash table games. I'm not putting all my money into something and only spending what I could afford to lose, so in a way I'm taking a gamble and don't mind whatever happens because I'm comfortable with trying hard to do well for myself. As long as I can manage my finances right now and pay off some bills, I have a comfortable amount for myself to work with right now. We will see how well I end up doing for myself, now that I'm ready.

I basically just want to have a lot of free time to myself and plenty of money to acquire a nice home with a pool and then not having to go into any office while owning a couple decent cars for traveling places in the world with someone good like my best lady friend. I guess I can call her my best friend right now, since she's cool with me and likes to call me and talk about whatever is bugging her sometimes!  We're travel buddies too and I guess we're seeing each other at an unofficial level. There's no status between us and I have left it wide open without attempting to chase after my best friend. Yet, I do love her dearly though and care about her happiness.  

I can see myself chasing after the right lady for myself and doing it wisely without projecting my wealth onto her. I have had enough hardships to appreciate the values of saving and working hard at something while staying disciplined to get somewhere. My mind is pretty satisfied these days and getting married to a fine lady will be like adding icing to the cake! 

When I look at it, my time is running out with the thought of having kids because I don't want to be too old. Maybe with my own partner, I could settle with adopting kids or get a couple cute pets to take care of. There's so much fun I could imagine myself doing with the extra time and money, since I don't hold grudges with anyone. It's mainly about just putting in the hard work and having a positive mindset while knowing this is what you are looking for in life.