Monday, July 25, 2022

Improving Upon Finding Potential Love Partners

I just finished reading upon the basics of how a person should treat his dating partner. From going out to have dinner with a buddy, I ended up practicing these moves on her while not really feeling moved into being in a relationship with her. I was just being kind and making an effort to understand that this is how dating is going to feel like and what to expect for the upcoming blind date I have scheduled. I'm going to continue practicing to get sharper on these skills with her. She seemed to love it, so I'm not going to tell her unless she notices something weird and unnatural about it and brings it up! 

Last night, I started reading into the more psychological aspects of the human mind with what they search for in a potential love partner. Without a doubt, I think a lot of people are superficial when it comes to looks because it is important to them. Some won't say anything about it to appear nice which I appreciate while with friends or try to downplay it, but deep inside our conscience it does affect who we fall in love with. 

I'm trying to make a stand against this natural instinct and not make decisions based on looks with anything related to love. One of the reasons is because as we get older, we are guaranteed to no longer look that good compared to the new, upcoming generation. I want to stay in a stable and happy relationship. I'm just like another normal human being in wanting what's best for myself and this is what I happen to believe nowadays. 

There are other factors with good looks- there's money, status, knowledge, and personality. The book does recommend to judge yourself or use people you trust to rate your overall appearance on a scale of 1-10. My mother gave me a 7 which isn't bad or could be from suspecting favorable bias. Another female friend who adores me thinks I may be above average but refused to give me a score. It's really about perception, since beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

I have a picture of the blind date I arranged to see. She looks really pretty and I personally rate her facial features as a 7.  I'm not really going to care if she looks overweight. I'm all past it now. I want to see if I can work out an intimate relationship with her that will lead to a lasting marriage. 

I personally believe your face is a very large representation of your attractiveness. I rate the girl I regularly hang out with as a 7. She's pretty lucky in that category from having already been born with it. The book recommends not going beyond two grades above your perceived ranking in appearance. At best, I believe I'm a 6 but only if I'm really on it with taking care of my face and going to the gym. If I leave it as it is, I become a 5.5 at best and about 5 at the worst. I might be able to literally get to at least a 6.5 though. I have experienced straight women who were my acquaintances sharing with me that I'm so good looking after grooming myself and working out. Their ranking to my perception ranges from 4 to 7. I had the looks category down back then but I wasn't doing enough right moves from lacking confidence to enter into any form of relationship with them. 

It's not just maintaining an average face from putting in all this hard work regularly and for life that counts now. I also need to showcase my other areas, which I have naturally been focusing on all this time. This book has really helped me out, since I'm not really spazzing out like a dimwit. I have the confidence I need and yes, I will say it, I overcame roughly 98% of my inferiority complex.