Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Using Time Wisely

I have discovered enjoyment in reading a good book! I've finished a few books already this year and it's more than I have ever done any other year. I have noticed for myself that my mind tends to wander off while reading, so I have to go back and reread a section. What I have picked up on that's been useful for me is speed reading. 

It's not the greatest yet, but I can work with it and expect to keep on gradually getting better at it along with increasing my motivation and comprehension. It's great that I have books that I'm interested in reading and it's a line up waiting for me back home. 

I have a trip coming up where I'll be accompanying a friend who is moving to Texas. He wants a traveling buddy to switch off driving duties. I will be flying back home. I want to pack up most of my things tonight if possible. I don't think it should be that big of a deal though.

Something new that I've picked up on from reading a good book is that it's okay to make decisions in a split second with complicated things, so I will take it with finishing up tasks that just clutter up my mind. I'm also going by my intuition and being true to myself while socializing with friends, instead of worrying about what I will be saying. I'm not afraid of dealing with disagreements and discussing these issues in a plain manner.