Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Laying Off Poker During Flexible Hours

Online Poker is definitely my goto game for entertainment whenever I have downtime and can get to it. However, I want to get better at managing my stress levels and being more clever about managing my time and constantly staying in a high state of happiness! 

I'm going to make reading and programming my next options of preferred choice after being done with my work. Fortunately, programming is also a main part of my job which I'm lucky to be doing. It's helped bring in some money that I can be relaxed about while feeling some purpose has been resolved for me. I'm ready to move on and do my own thing now but I want to play it safe and smart. Why rush if it's pretty good for me right now already. All of these things are just addons for me. 

At the very core of it all, I have my faith in Jesus and it's been like a rock that has kept me going while feeling so excited about living life! I'm ready to also find myself a good wife and possibly start a family while enjoying some riches and comfort of living.