Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Have To Make Phone Calls

I ended up trying to text a girl named Betty Lam - there's like at least hundreds of the same name in China. I unfortunately had to deal with a Betty Lam- she lives in California still I think. Even in California, there's a lot of Betty Lam's out there- I see that it might be easy for her name to be stolen and hence, be a victim of identity theft. It happened to my little sister because her name is pretty common too. I think I'm speaking some truth about this while laughing quite a bit trying to discuss about it.

There's also another common girl name found in China that I came to talk to. There was another one too but she was very exceptional to me based on her demeanor and level of maturity- I thought her age was like 35 but now that I reason, she might have only been like ten months older than me. Anyway, I can technically call her an older sister still but it has to be looked at as the bare minimum. There was this really funny Thai name- I guess Thai people sometimes have these excruciating long last names spelled out in English. I guess it flows a lot better being written down in a different language- maybe that's why it has traditionally stayed like that; still, it seems like Thai people feel a little disconnected with each other sometimes with the economic crisis and stuff, so I can't really make an accusation of how having long last names to remember causes them to forget about other agenda.

I guess I get along with the most unruly people, especially if I've hung out at a military installation all this time during the last two months and have no altercations or verbal exchanges to really highlight. This should be mean that all I had to do was just open my mouth and tell those church people how weird I thought they were being and they would just shut down and let me expose how weird they were being. It's like I could have walked all over them easily and probably still could but maybe I should maintain my discipline of spirituality and not really do it.