Friday, December 30, 2011

How Long Am I Going To Stay Up

Honestly, I don't really know how long I'm going to stay up. I've found something that I could keep occupied with and it's doing this pretty intelligent activity. I don't know who wants to come on this blog and read my stuff. I don't know for what reasons, but just to guess it's probably because people want to see me blow up and laugh at the comedy I come up with or just try to keep up with what I'm about to do because they're so worried I'm going to hurt their cause.

I've always seen it as, I have some deficiencies. Well, for once, I'm really short. I'm glad some of the other young soldiers were able to spot that right away and actually give me special treatment because of it. Like, I don't really have to do extra physical effort to lift stuff- just have to move fast and get aligned with the program. This is what is done in a team and a mission.

In a way, I sometimes feel like it sucks to be short but then again, I'm learning to embrace it a lot more now. It was uncomfortable for me and sometimes bugs me a little, but the feeling is going away for me. Maybe, I bought into a new theme of a Napoleon complex. It requires me to do absolutely no yelling and just talk. The talk can be so bothersome that people will accuse me of having something like that. Yet, I'm so confident at the same time that I could act like a legitimate tall person whose also a jerk.

Whether height matters or not, the issue has to be the heart. For some reason, because height matters to me- I sort of want to discriminate against taller woman to be honest. Maybe, I might feel a little pain if the woman is attractive but then again I'm like "What the heck, it doesn't matter" when I'm in that situation. I view myself standing next to her and play around with the image of how we might look on the outside- by judging at a superficial level, I haven't found anyone I have liked so far. Actually, I thought maybe a few seemed right to me but they were already married. It's a little easier to compare when she's standing next to an actual guy.