Sunday, December 25, 2011

If the Lord Be Willing

If the Lord be willing, may the people I care about and those who have come to that stage of sorrowful enlightenment which makes them turn towards Him, never fall again! I just know that if our hearts are in the right direction then most likely, it's a reflection of how we were made to do beautiful things no matter how misled we were or bad lifestyle we concocted for ourselves. The beauty in Christianity is believers acknowledging the truth about their personal state and being filled with something new, peaceful, and joyful to carry out living a guilt-free life from knowing they are no longer in a sinful bondage and have obtained salvation through placing their faith in Christ. It really causes some to feel jealous or still scorn them- like Christians are a bunch of some goody-two shoes or hypocrites.

The heart of the matter is that it's a choice for anybody to really accept it in his heart. The spirit of Christ won't force its way into anybody's heart but lie in wait for anyone willing to seek his guidance. Maybe this doesn't make sense because to some people religion is dead! Pretty much, I have come to accept that despite the Bible being so hard to understand at some parts- there are those givens that really fill the heart with gladness and inspire believers to live a good, purposeful life after having fallen. It is the right of Man to practice any religion he wants; why should some religions be so belligerent about it and obtain death decrees on some motivated Christians? It just seems a little awkward that people give into those weaknesses sometimes and form a mob on someone whose just trying to project good. Maybe, the Bible is right about the prince of this world being the devil who tries to lure people away from the truth by using clever devises and staying hidden. In a spiritual warfare, mature believers say that it's prayer that defeats Satan's forces.