It looks like I'm generating some type of interest the more honest posts I create. I'm just being truthful here while writing because I find it to be therapeutic for me, and it's also a Biblical value that I would like to practice and encourage. White lies, I can see would work when going to war against someone evil like Hitler or the future anti-Christ, but against your fellow people over social matters and relationships- oh, come on now!
I honestly want to personally yell at the stupid pastor at that one church from just being an idiot and doing unloving stuff to me that makes him look bad. It wouldn't make me any better than he is already though. I think the greatest option is to just screw him over by just being smarter, funnier, and more likable to others around him. That's what I intend to do, if I don't have a girlfriend on me by the time I end up with some killer abs and get rich off of trading stocks.
I'm working at getting rich with the investments and not relenting because that's my attitude. It drove those stupid people crazy with me from not changing up my approach and continually doing the same thing to bug them. I haven't done much for my abs except maybe get that itch and then do some running for the most part. I'm still needing to incorporate very healthy meals, despite having the money and cookbooks to already acquire them. I just need to put in the time then, which is something that is unbelievable hard for me to get used to. I'm going to make that another post then.