Friday, January 9, 2015

Keeping My Cool

I've been learning something crazy about my faith in Jesus. It has been really changing my lifestyle around like completely upside down. Sure, I still sin like there's no yesterday, but those days feel like they are fleeing now.

I heard on the radio today that practically the gospel in a nutshell is believing upon how Jesus being God was sent down to die for our sins and will someday come back again. This makes me a Christian then because I fully believe upon him and for all that he did.

How this relates to keeping my cool is that by having this growing trust with the Lord, I feel like I don't really need to be messing around with the old stuff that actually brought me down. One of the things I heard on the radio is that by being fully honest, a lot of people will end up rejecting you. Yet, this is the type of person one should actually strive to be. However, to be able to have great friends, one really needs to make self-sacrifices and be upright.