Verse 10 states that any living thing that moves in the rivers or seas and does not have fins and scales are an abomination to eat. This applies to the Jews and from what I recall in the New Testament, Peter was shown all these unclean animals by God and then the Lord commanded Peter to eat. Peter was like "What? Am I dreaming?" Peter was a good Jewish boy while growing up, so why would he throw away his upbringing right then and there? It took Peter a good three times, I suppose, just like he denied the deity of Christ three times. Anyhow because of Christ in the New Testament, Peter was able to ingest these unclean animals the Lord had originally commanded the Jews to abstain from. It feels so contradictory.
Verses 11-12 state that the Jews will not eat the flesh of these creatures without fins and scales that live in the river or seas. They will also regard the carcasses of those creatures as an abomination. Furthermore, those creatures are an abomination. What I can think of off the bat are mammals like whales, seals, and dolphins. Also, I believe this would exclude frog legs as well.