Saturday, September 26, 2015

Going To Live With It

I guess the irritated feelings I'm constantly getting, which I equate to being angry is that I want to still be a friend to the person I'm just annoyed by. I think I like to be a hopeless dreamer, while not caring about the other person's feelings. I pretty much went viral over the web with them in giving them a beat down while just being honest. I admit it. I'm making fun of them because I'm mad at the same time. It's abusive language and yet, they seem to have not been too taken back by it. I think they were in the beginning, but now, maybe they are having second thoughts about bringing me down.

I realize that this motivational drive from anger that inspires me to get nothing done could be a waste of time. I'm still playing Magic: the Gathering. I guess it fell out of my radar from being angry at stuff. Another thing is that I'm actually working out little by little, which is surprising for an angry person like me. Finally, I'm actually investing my money and sweating it out while loving the thrill of the ups and downs of the business.

There are two rules to play of the game of investing. Rule 1: protect your account, meaning never go bankrupt by leaving enough room in your account to bounce back, even if you were to lose that 99.999999% sure bet. Rule 2: go with your gut feelings.