Sunday, November 14, 2010

Withstanding the Pressure

This is pretty much similar to the other blog post, "Getting Rid of That Discombobulating Feeling." I find myself talking to myself, and I really want to stop this behavior and be able to handle the situation more gracefully now. I'm pretty much grateful that I can look forward to more problems because I couldn't really live without them anyway. I seem to do better if I struggle on something and that's where the Lord really fits into my lifestyle by trying to get me to turn away from my sins.

Throughout days and moments, I get these thoughts in my head which could equate to a similar level of post-traumatic stress disorder ha ha. Actually, I think it's a lot less in level of seriousness but fun to mention for myself. It pretty much takes commitment and just going at it on a consistent basis, like you're bothering someone to get to a level of success. I think it's really important to be in tune with our desires and not to really give into any seducing evil spirits.

This is going to take some time to withstand the pressure ha ha. If kids are actually on this blog, then maybe they should get some permission from their parents before they read some adult-related comments. Ha ha. I'll try to keep this G-rated but to cover all the meat and be fully blunt about myself, I would say that I could imply X-rated things. The stuff I talked about last month dealing with the weird gang was me being me fully and hiding nothing- not bad one would say, right?

Okay, if you are a teenager then might as well prepare yourself to be away from adult material and not let that influence you most of the times ha ha because it will be healthy and help you generate living out your desires if you seek to get some sexual excitement early- I mean to say about copulating after getting married. I'm going to admit that I have a large base of testosterone and don't ask me where I got it from. I want to work out and be so active and gain muscle and live out being content physically, mentally, and spiritually. I could brush aside slightly below average women with looks and those good-looking ones who already are committed because I have a bunch of them who are my friends, and I am happy for them too! Taking off the pressure among weird people who are being sinister with me is so much easier now and I shall get around to doing that.