Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Becoming More Organized In Perfect Manner

I'm starting to look at my priorities at a more detailed fashion these days. It seems like it's pretty much doing something I would like to call action and review. From my actions and conduct, I basically do some self-reflecting on the spot and take mental notes and then put it all together from what I did in the past. Because I'm so used to my daily routine and applying this new strategy as a whole all of a sudden, it's like really natural for me in what I need to do to make the situation more ideally perfect. I'm sure that because there aren't too many variables to jumble around in this personal game of mine, I would be able to achieve near perfection eventually by like possibly the next couple encounters.

I used to feel this heavy burden of repressed guilt that felt actually really good. Yet, I was a hard time reading the situation and controlling my nerves. Some friends have told me to calm down and that I look so nervous. It's because I am having trouble assessing some situations from missing key information and then making a polite fit with the use of my body language. Calming my nerves to the point of actually feeling satisfied with having that warm and fuzzy feeling from having a really clear mind just happened all of a sudden for me.

I am realizing that small improvements in one's life do add up and increase confidence, mobility, and abilities. The key thing to get to do all these things has to start with committing to dying to the self. I believe there is a source that can feed you all the inspiration you need, along with finding the right kind of love to conduct oneself.