I'm going after a six pack with some muscles man! I also want to be a non-traditional worker with at least a million dollars. I don't want to go into an office. I just want to chill at home and do stuff like travel and take part in some, interesting social clubs. Maybe then, I'll be able to find a beautiful and lovely Christian woman to marry. It's going to be just constant prayers to God for all of that stuff going on for me.
Good or bad, my cries and shout-outs in prayers are going out to Jesus foremost. I really see myself going after pursuing studies with the medical field. I think during the end times, I'd like to make myself useful as a physician. On top of that, since I'm a little tech savvy, I'll also work on some software projects and continue to make money with my day trades. I can also work out and maintain peak shape.
Now I know that when I come home from work, I try to snack on food and watch T.V. I'm sure it's a pretty normal thing to do. However, I want to change that up. Also, when I wake up, I want to immediately do something to entertain myself. I feel this true fleshly desire of engaging in some fun and that if I don't get any of that, then I have reason to be depressed with myself.
I think it's just from being human and vulnerable in those areas for me. I'm just going to have to develop some strong willpower to conquer those weaknesses in my life.