Monday, May 11, 2015

Leviticus 13:5-8

Leviticus 13:5 says that after the seven days of isolation have finished, the priest must examine the skin again. If the bacteria hasn't spread throughout the body, then the priest must isolate the person for another seven days. Verse 6 says that if the sore ends up fading and turning into a scab and the disease hasn't spread throughout the other body, then the priest will pronounce the person to be clean and then command him or her to wash the clothes and the body.

Leviticus 13:7 says if the scab starts spreading again, then the person must see the priest. I wonder who would really want to follow this command and go through personal torture of being alienated from his or her civilization again. Oh well, Verse 8 says that if the spreading happens right after being pronounced clean, then it's back to being unclean and isolated again with leprosy.

 Honestly, I think leprosy is no real joke and might have been a total pain to deal with for people back then. I sort of feel sad for those who were victims back then and want to give them a spiritual hug to make myself feel better of wanting to cry for them.