I've noticed that when I'm totally self-absorbed on my own thoughts then I'm pretty much absent-minded and not fully concentrating. Basically I'm trying to wing it and be perfect at something while letting my mind just absorb the feelings of some incident and try to soak in the moment. It's something like that, but I'm definitely not focusing on the source that I should be. I notice that when I'm thinking about something else while trying to read the Bible, I'm totally not picking up on anything.
Yet from trying to practice it, I've noticed that just simply focusing on trying to comprehend the text as best as I can and reading at a comfortable pace, I'm able to actually read it somehow. Some verses are still very difficult to understand what God means, but it's just I can read it and have a better idea than I used to now.
That's some area that I notice with myself that I could improve on while reading the Bible, which is taking it pretty seriously and trying to pay attention to the details. I'm just sitting there sometimes and letting my mind just wander off. What I was just thinking now, is this old friend who I lost contact with along time ago. She married a doofus but I don't really care that he is one to me. Anyhow, she talked about how reading the Bible was a chore to her on some occasions. That's very interesting indeed in that she was one to read it daily. She was a little mislead with emotional reasoning too just like we all can be, so it's really hard to find the right guidance for the Bible sometimes.
I guess it comes down to if the soul really wants to will him or herself into having a true spiritual walk with God.