I was curious a few days ago about what Google would turn up and I landed upon this article that makes sense, "237 Reasons Why Women Have Sex". It's came from a book by a female clinical psychologist who interviewed 1006 women and collaborated with an evolutionary psychologist to come up with some interesting correlations.
Their findings have shown that women do it for pleasure, obviously! No just joking, it's not only that and it does include a little bit from just loving their partner while not in the mood. Based on the article, it's separated into three general things: resources, genes, and attraction.
With the attraction part, the woman can be sometimes crazy and not know why she's sexually attracted to a dumb and selfish guy. I guess it so happens that a few girls admitted to being sexually attracted to me. It's something that gradually built itself up over a short period of time and me just being a man on a mission and hiding my negative emotions at the same time. They were shorter than me and had or was with a good figure and Asian. Lee the girl who ended up being stupid and crazy with me while putting a restraining order on me so she could try to kick me out of her church while labeling me as a bad guy showed those signs of being attracted to me too, but she was taller and I got frightened into thinking she was a man when she forgot to pluck her hairs one day in the moustache area. I don't care if this offends Lee and who cares if she's reading this. She sucks!
This also ties into my belief now that being a short man like I am does not necessarily disqualify you from contributing to the gene pool. There are beautiful and hot women out there who will get physically attracted to a short man- to call that crazy or not is at one's own discretion. You have to look at the right place.
What I think works a lot is to have a balancing act going- meaning great job, great body, and great personality. It won't matter if you stand at 3 feet tall with all of that sticking out. I'm 5' 3" and I scared so many dumb farts who were around my age, so I can confidently say that I made my mark with them.
Girls are going to go "You are like my brother." "No, get away from me stalker!" "I'm too busy." "I'm not looking. Just be friends." Whatever reason and it's just a part of life. You just have to keep on fishing for the right girl. She might come eventually by persevering.