Thursday, February 21, 2019

Being Aware Of Human Nature

It's pretty funky with how people relations can turn sour all of a sudden and it turned out to be over something truly annoying or frustrating while not being that big of a deal in the end. People can just over react sometimes while not understanding something and just make a big fuss over nothing because they misunderstood something.

Misunderstandings are just really tricky to deal with sometimes and they surely anger me a lot. I'm sure it can happen to just about anyone and even in a fit of rage, something bad could happen if it was for someone even though I will never go around trying to kill someone. I need them alive so I can have fun bothering them while I'm really mad and want to stay that way for a long time, so I've been a victim of a few restraining orders. Those jerks- they got the best of me after filing them! I'm not stupid to end up in jail so I won those three-year court orders by never talking to them after.

I understand that mouths move and can say things to cause selfish people to do unwanted things while being in the moment. Overall, it's been just really silly for my personal situations in the end. I had a hard time understanding a lot of this mess because I just didn't understand myself to begin with and that was the hardest to learn to overcome. I'm just saying that human nature is to react badly when someone does something that is bad even if it was only a misunderstanding.

The tough part of all of this is to be like God which is about being graceful even when people are behaving bad with you. Some parents can try to be good to their misbehaving kids all the time, but aren't perfect sometimes. After all, I think sometimes people didn't react badly with me because they just didn't want to get involved with me in an unnecessary conflict and to maybe talk about their frustrations to someone else. Communication is seriously the key to a lot of this negotiating process even if it's talking while yelling at someone from being mad about something so little that's unfair to you and even if it drains a lot of energy when it could be used to go into doing something more productive and healthy.

What's so crazy is that I know a girl who imagines people in her head fighting with her and she has thought it's really happening. She's been hospitalized a few times from becoming so rowdy as a result and being unable to manage her anger issues. It's pretty sad, but she's been more recently learning to move on even if those imagined crazy people in her head can't stop leaving her alone. What we should learn from this is that it's important to learn to stay calm and be rational when things really start getting to us and accept things we really have no control over while looking for things we can work on or continue to manage for happiness.