Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Method Of Finding A Girlfriend

I'm using the Internet to find social groups and I have largely relied on one source from having desperately searched for something on Google. I think everyone can be different with how they go about using apps or websites to find someone, but finding something that is effective and free works very well in fact!

I think my method is pretty plain and simple so far because I'm just looking to meet attractive girls with my free time and try to get to know them a little while doing something that's fun and interesting to me. Hopefully, they are also having fun too while coming out to the social event. I'm just a normal guy who is lucky to be born healthy and able to maintain it with a middle-class job but the only physical flaws about me is that I came out short and have mild allergies that don't try to kill me. The more regularly I workout, the more immune I feel to my allergies so I guess I literally feel like I have a good amount of benefits from trying to stay in shape even if I'm not the best athlete out there, which is totally fine for me now.

Here's my steps I'm doing with meeting attractive girls:

1.) I look for social events that interest me and open them up as a tab on a browser.

2.) I instantly eliminate the events that won't match my schedule or be undesirable because of the location and the ones that are already full.

3.) I look at only the main profile picture of all the ladies stating they will attend and calculate a mental score. I need a minimum of two hot ladies stating they will show up to consider it a good incentive. If they bail at the last minute, I'm doing something fun anyway and can try again next time while socializing with the others who showed up as an alternative and to not be so awkward with my manners. My scoring system is really simple- +1 goes to the ladies I find attractive, +0.5 for the ladies who are in between for me, and +0 for all others. If I see at least a total score of two then I'm going to keep it for consideration.

3.) Next I repeat for the next two weeks and then go look at who is coming again as the event approaches and to decide on what I'm doing. The highest score takes precedence for me and next the closer location if there's a tie. In some cases, I may reserve a spot earlier because of the host setting a deadline or having a limit of attendees while being popular.

4.) Go to the event and introduce myself to a girl or girls I find attractive and just try to talk a little. I might also invite a few more attractive girls who I'm lucky to be friends with and think will like the event. They like being around cute girls too!