Friday, February 22, 2019

Speaking The Heart Out

I think what sometimes conflict with nice people out there is that they want to stay nice during a misunderstanding. I hold my own peace and don't go cussing someone out while holding out a knife either, but it would be nice to beat someone up who did that to me. I would probably end up hospitalized and then if I survived my failed attempt to beat that crazy gangster up, I would try to train so I could beat a group of those crazy gangsters up next time they try to argue with me. If they held out a gun, I'm running away so maybe I should arm myself with some throwing knives too or do some target shooting practice to double down my effectiveness for winning at stupid arguments all day and during any time of the year!

This is in those extreme instances where I just didn't care while I had a lot of money and steam to blow off on people. I'm not likely to force myself into arguments with a gangster. I'll probably avoid the scene altogether to begin with and if there's a lady in need, I'll be like call the cops to her. No way! I had a lot of confidence issues and then some dumb people started rattling my cage even some more. It was hard to fend them off while feeling stressed and just trying to do well. It's a hard feeling that I've had to live with for most of my life. Oh well, that's what life is. It's about giving into more of that hard feeling like a masochist while working harder in the grinder and going after finding success.

It isn't crazy either- it's just the way things are supposed to be laid out. Being jealous and trying to be defensive about nothing important is just a waste of time, so I might just do a quickie when I have to fulfill a dumb oath I made to God. It's like 1 microsecond of acknowledgement that I did it for God and someone else influenced by it knowing and then maybe screaming at that person as well for another five hours before leaving the premises if I still have the energy to leave and made that far without them threatening to call the cops on me. It would be crazy if I could do that but I think I have a shot to make it happen because it would be my moment that they would be forced to reckon with and try to make fun of later but I will give them plenty of material to make them sad the longer they think about it and give up with staying mad at me. Okay, that would be a lot of fun to even extend into days as well, I presume.