Monday, February 4, 2019

Ohhhh To Emphasize Deeper Meaning

Restraining oneself to not laugh over something ridiculously funny like an actual name (no lie), Babaladingdong, can actually be quite a bit of fun. It really doesn't quite get so funny each time after awhile though. I'm actually known by unrelated girls I'm close to in being funny without even trying to be. A lot of it sort of deals with me holding back personal laughter too and from having such a poker face. I used to giggle and smile randomly throughout the whole class silently and make everybody mad on a daily basis like a weirdo. It's not such a bad thing since I was young and I think I didn't really try that hard with approaching ladies and some of them were really nice in responding back to me too. Yes, it must have good times while I was under some weirdness phase of my life.

Actually, I don't really mind about people's decisions in being my friend or not anymore and respecting it now. I think it's more about communicating truthfully and this is what I have been trying to practice a lot by using writing as a tool. From letting it flow mostly unrestrained, it's been just giving me a sense of relief. I was just mad at the time about people deleting me as a friend because I felt they had the wrong idea about me and were like spreading some type of negativity with others. Maybe they really are the ones who are messed up, but at least they can all stay as messed up idiots who unfriended me for long as they want. I will have the opportunity to delete them now if they want to add me back and to humiliate them. Actually, I might take a photo for a souvenir if I'm able to finally convince only one of them to add me back and even design it with frames to save on my laptop. I'm only going to need one of them because that's all that is going to matter for me in making these personal feelings of doom and madness end for me. It would be so tight to pester that crazy girl who sits at the top of her ruined directives with me to add me back. I don't think it will really be that hard because she did say she doesn't have against me and if she says she did all along then all of it goes away, so it's like a forced chess position where she has to stay planted there. This is just the angle I need to keep on attacking pretty much and letting everyone around listen to us and get bored of it eventually.