Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Receiving Nice Free Advice

Basically, I sent the last post to someone to answer an open-ended question and it looks like I was so thoughtful about it from taking my time to answer him but in reality, I didn't really do it for him. I guess it works out well then because I felt highly at peace with my answer, and he readily connected solidly with my answer and responded well.

He did point out that it would be better if I found a love in my life before the money started pouring into my life. In a way, I agree. It's going to be so much harder to find the right lady considering how I'm so short compared to most normal guys in height, but I might as well keep on looking and go after finding someone to pursue after. I suffered so much from feeling short and being so selfish even though I had a few beautiful ladies in my life who were actually quite open to me. I think I was dumb to not give them a chance because they weren't Korean. I grew up with this mentality from getting it with my family. They have strong emotional ties to wanting Koreans marrying only Koreans. I tried to live with it but I kept on meeting beautiful ladies who weren't Korean so it confused me how could it be possible to stick to only this. I felt so weird that I shut myself out with finding a girlfriend too when I had much better looks back then for a short guy.

I'm now older and don't really have those same good looks with my hair barely staying in place and thinning out while growing whiter! These are the challenges that I am putting myself through and it's true that if I became rich then beautiful women will be attracted because of the money. It would be nice to meet the one without the money even though having the money would make my dating life a lot easier. I'm not really closed to just beautiful Korean ladies now- it's beautiful Asian ladies for me right now. I'm gradually warming up to trying to date other ladies of other ethnicities. Actually, I think it can be a lot of fun, so why not.