Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Funny Situation With Female Friends

Currently, I'm really close to two girls outside of my family and they are related to each other. This sort of complicates things when it comes to the idea of a dating relationship because I think I like both of them, even though it's not fully developed yet. One of them has something going on with her head, but she's pretty cool for hanging out with though and she likes being affectionate. The other one is physically attractive to me and people think we look like family members, so it just feels a little awkward because she is also not affectionate.

It's pretty interesting in that I think with someone really pretty and Asian, people might think we're like family unless we don't really look alike at all then yeah, they can assume anything from that point on. In a way, it seems pretty safe for me to go with the attractive girl who looks like my cute sibling. I don't think people will be giving us weird stares or anything anytime soon, so I don't know where it's going to go from there just because of how she is as a person. I might have a habit of making her mad from being insensitive and uncaring sometimes which reminds her of unresolved conflicts with people from the past.