Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Making A Girlfriend

Okay, I think the best way to make a girlfriend is to just keep on meeting people and getting to know them. I mean I'm looking for an attractive and nice lady who happens to also like me too! It would be awesome if I could find her and be able to carry on a wonderful relationship. I'm just going to have to ask her out and take a risk of getting turned down. I mean people are getting older and I want to enjoy my life so might as well move on to the next potentially good lady I can find if a lady I tried to ask out ends up hating me right?

It's pretty much just sucking it up and feeling comfortable with meeting people and just letting it flow naturally while having fun. I'm not going to put in too much conscious effort with it now. It really doesn't hurt to try because every guy probably has to go through it anyway. I'm just trying to psych myself up to go out there and meet some more pretty ladies!

I have this whole making friends with pretty girls down now and I'm totally bored with them too. I want to now get to the stage of dating a pretty girl for reals this time. I'm going to have to bring my whole game to the table then and make myself more attractive the way I can be and stay consistent.