Thursday, February 7, 2019

Valentine's Approaching

I've recently been hit with a nasty cold that took out my voice and gave me a sore throat, along with head cramps. I believe I'm getting them because I'm over-salivating and it's dehydrating my body. I guess I just need to keep on drinking water then and taking more shorter breaks. I don't think I'm in a really crazy spot anymore, but more like being so ordinary that I'm susceptible to people behaving bad towards me if they aren't having a great day. It's just mainly from being removed as a Facebook friend, and this has been done by either guys and ladies who I'm not really that attracted to. Although I have ladies adding me back on Facebook more from liking me again.

This is really interesting because I have like a 3 to 1 guy to girl ratio in my friends list, so it can look like I'm a man's man, but not really. It's also interesting to have tried to hit on a Facebook friend and she even accepting my invitation at one point. In the end, I still don't have a girlfriend! No worries, it's not the end for me yet.