Friday, February 8, 2019

Dealing With Compromise

I have been getting physically attracted to a female friend, and I happen to like her as a person. It's just that it feels like my freedom gets sucked away because she wants to do so many things her way! It feels like this is the sacrifice I would need to make for this person. I want to get so much more people involved in our lives, but because she has social anxiety issues I'm pretty much stuck to spending time with only her and her sister mostly. I mean it's not a bad thing and her sister isn't really third-wheeling either, so it can't be that bad right hanging with two girls always?

Maybe, it's just meant to be because the activities together we end up doing are quite fun and even though I don't always feel like I'm into her, she is still pretty. More recently, I've been thinking of just trying to show a bit more affection while still being friends. I think it's cute to try with someone beautiful and still single like her. It really doesn't matter to me anymore in terms of how things will turn out for dating once I become friends with any girl. It takes work to get there for me still. I think it ends up being more like feeling sadness because she found someone right and I still haven't yet, but these are experiences to learn from if I did like her.

It could also be that mainly it's our fun thing we like to do together, and it's something she recognizes. She is ultra detail-oriented for a girl and I am nothing like that as a guy, so it's brought on some challenges of having to listen to her talk about the smallest things and keep the conversation flowing even though I don't really care sometimes. I feel like she embodies the regular woman in so many ways and it's been just us two hanging out, so I don't think it even matters where it leads to at this point of our friendship.