Monday, February 25, 2019

Commiting To Optimal Plans With Discipline

I'm noticing something about myself in that I'm regretting with not having made the optimal moves yesterday and letting my mind just shutdown. There were a few key things I could have done better last weekend, and I just failed to make it work. I'm forcefully letting myself deal with a lot of things on my plate and probably paying attention to the wrong things. After all, it should be about working hard while persevering to find happiness. The level of difficulty shouldn't really be that off putting if it's what a person truly desires.

It's really about putting oneself through a lot of adversity and for myself, it's most likely just boredom and feeling a great level of it with conflicting levels of interests with my weak flesh. It's totally about maintaining this at a healthy level and putting enough effort to find personal happiness. I honestly believe that putting full trust in the Lord Almighty is the best way to achieve complete satisfaction in life. This pretty much makes me still a Christian then, who tries to go about discerning things and engaging in fun activities that aren't really harmful and remain lawful in the eyes of the Lord.