Friday, February 1, 2019

Having Fun While Being Extroverted

I've realized that from being comfortable in my shell, it's easy for me to go up to my peers gathered at an event and just introduce myself and start a small conversation. In big settings, it's not the same as having the chance to get to know someone more closer so I really appreciate those girls who have come to become really great friends with me. I don't really understand sometimes why guys complain about ladies they are into friend-zoning them. However, I was also affected by it too.

I think from just trying different things and being this outgoing guy who is going around trying to network with people, I'm starting to realize those closer friendships I've formed with ladies are special and will always have the potential to take off no matter what their current thoughts and feelings are. Those ladies I'm great friends with share a part of their lives with me, and I realize it's very meaningful and something to cherish even if there's never going to be a dating relationship and without hard feelings either.

For myself, becoming comfortable with myself took a lot of work, like for instance I'm constantly feeling like I'm bashing myself while at the same time a few people might resent me from getting moody about their situation and then unadd me on Facebook. It's not like I won't know who that person formerly was because I find out from doing something on the Internet and they happen to be there as well. I've found out that I have a high retention rate with keeping around the ladies I'm attracted to as Facebook friends, so I guess that's a good thing! There was an exception to this because she got married to a guy I was having trouble hustling and trying to figure out something that was unimportant and frustrating while I was lusting to find peace with it; so I didn't really find her to be that much interesting anymore but before, I was totally into her.

From trying to hit on a pretty cute girl who was associated with the drama I was part of, I'm not mentioning the name anymore because I still remember the post that said I won't talk about it, so it just means refraining from putting down names now. Crazy Fart Girl caused her social circle to just vomit me out of their Facebook page and made me so mad after deleting me collectively as their friend! I took that as a serious offense and wish I could sue Crazy Fart Girl and her gang for putting the wrong ideas about me in their heads but it's so stupid to worry about now. Oh yeah the cute girl didn't do anything bad to me on Facebook. She acted like she went on some type of purgatory with me. I did pretty good at flirting, but I think I was too mad to sound very sincere with her so she probably took it as a message of me trying to tease her and sounding so crazy at the same time. Since I was hitting on her from messaging her, she probably liked it but at the same time hated me from insulting her. It was probably a first time for her and I think she wisely chose to withdraw herself from the scenario. Not bad, but I can get her number now but she's probably already taken so there's no excitement in taking another man's claim. I want something new and fresh and have it all to myself- I'll go for finding a lady who fits that description and is even better than all the rest of those cute ladies put together who frustrated the heck out of me!