Monday, February 25, 2019

Rejecting A Man's Advice

I realize that there's really no point of arguing unless it really ends up bugging me. I believe that a full effort must be made to control personal feelings of anger and aggravation against one another from hearing comments that could be perceived as really stupid and not very helpful while not being in a great mood. I guess I'm really easy to look down upon and any person can convince him or herself to feel that way. After all, it really doesn't matter in the end though. It's really all just a waste of time anyway. I guess I'll feel like a jerk trying to lead them in the right direction and trying to convince them to be more open of a person while they continue to have personal problems that hinder them from having a high quality of life. I'm making a judgement call here, and I don't think I'm too far off with it.

It feels like sometimes one can continually bury him or herself in life over any circumstance and just never be able to climb out of it. It's pretty much happening from having natural predilections and no one is perfect, so it's probably the best to be ready to move on and not give in to a person's ideas if it's dislikable. No one is perfect, and I have been accepting that about myself even though it still bugs me to lose a Facebook friend every once in awhile! I might be one of those types who would be hard to argue with and also be someone who would fight hard to keep the relationship alive. Therefore, I really like reasonable people because I agree with them a lot and also meeting anybody to just hang out even if he or she will end up being a bad friend.