Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Coolness in Restored Friendships

I've found a quick revelation. The Bible states that the best friend is someone who lays his life down for someone. It becomes a really headache or annoyance sometimes, if a friend gives you a hard time because you can't see eye to eye with him. Furthermore, when there's no other physical support around it's easy to get carried away with the thought of getting vengeance.

I realize that my strengths and weaknesses should not be complemented with a fake surface of pride. With all this pride in my past relationships with mending wierd friendships, I became slightly confused as to what the right thing to do was. The Bible states to not to be yoked upon and fellowship with unbelievers, but does it mean that we shouldn't carry the yoke of their burden? The answer to that is no because Jesus laid down his life for us sinners, who hadn't yet to come to know him yet. John 3:16 states "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." This is amazing truth, and when our lives become all about focusing on ourselves then we are bound to fall somewhere along those lines. I realized the amazing simplicity of placing trust upon God with these words, "I'm sorry." By stating them with sincerity I noticed that life for me became more free and realized that the things I have been doing were for God's kingdom.