Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Finishing Off the Year

Wow, it's that time of the year again for the new year to be arriving! I've learned so much about dealing with angry and messed up individuals. It's funny and I don't really mind all the stuff they put me through all these years. Sometimes, people just have to not take some things so seriously and examine themselves, instead of just being in the flesh!

I have learned from being a guy, how a guy is supposed to resolve conflict with another guy or female! I have had so many instances of being annoyed with unintentional conflict having developed among guys and girls. I can write things that are capable of offending people when I'm feeling very ticked off at them. I am the little Asian guy that writes stuff to offend only people I'm mad at for any reason. I have heard comments from others about them saying that I'm so scary and they need to get away from me- the little Asian guy who is starting to get thin hair on the top a little. I'm the little Asian guy who offended a small church of stupid and unstable believers and so they kicked me out of their church. I stand only 5'3" while weighing in at about 145-175 pounds at different periods. The extra pounds must add on to my fearsome build for people who don't have that much thick skin, I guess.

Okay, all of these crazy stories that make you want to get mad at me for leave me with a solution of how to deal with it. I'm going to be really blunt about how to solve those problems so pay attention to these last paragraphs a little carefully.

Conflict is basically anything that makes you feel bothered. It can be a little annoyance with yourself or some huge deal to you because someone made a threat to end your career, relationships, or life, etc. The main thing is to put on some thick skin and ignore rash comments they make at you. It's to basically not get affected by it and show no emotion to it. If they start yelling and getting in your face or I feel some tension in the air, I want to smack them but I have to wish they lay a physical hand on me first while still playing nice in person, before I righteously get to defend myself by putting them in physical pain so they can't attempt laying a finger on me. There is a different approach for dealing with a man or woman.

For the guys, you mainly need to be straight-forward with him. When I think of one-word to describe resolving this conflict, it's to out-smart him. If you are a guy, you are already on the right track for dealing with any woman who you feel angry, bothered, or upset with. Just from being a guy, it's a big deal with resolving problems to other girls at any time no matter how long it went. The guy gets to be the man of the house someday, if he ever gets there. He's going to be the leader of the household and bring in food for the table! It's important for the man to treat women with the best manners he can give and lead the woman he's in conflict with by mainly describing values to her. Using one word to describe it, it's to be delicate with her.

Saturday, December 26, 2015


Instead of having fun and doing what I need to do, I guess the little things do matter for me and it would nice to take care of those things that require maintenance, such as keeping my room in orderly fashion. It has a tendency to stay messy, and I'm starting to not like that because I figure that being a grown-up now, I should have a room that looks as such.

I also need to take care of my finances better. I mean I could do a whole lot better. I guess watching anime and playing Magic: the Gathering and messing around with trading currency can be really nerdy and a lot fun, but I really should be focusing on the necessities first. I guess to prepare myself, I really need to focus on the little stuff now and make sure they are in neat and orderly fashion before I go do my thing with the big stuff and other things that interest me.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Next Step

The next step for me is to pretty much write about all the topics that interest me. I think I have hit enough wide topics that might get a few visitors on each of those sites, if I decide to just pack it with useful information and make it easy on the eyes. I could then just make money with advertisements.

I find that I'm drawn to a lot of those Top 20 articles when it comes to just reading about celebrities. It's fun and sometimes entertaining to read about what movies they were in and to not be really attracted to them as I originally thought they were. It's just fun for me to read, so maybe I could do something like that in my own website.

Of course, it's going to take some money, but I think writing about my personal interests at such an eclectic proportion will be beneficial for me because I would be making some sort of contribution for others on the web. Also, it might wear me out to go send out offensive messages to people, even though I know they are filled with bullocks now. It all comes down to understanding the person, which is hard when you are filled with any type of emotion. Basically, you need to think on your feet and have a thick skin about a lot of stuff because most humans in general are basically stupid!

Pretty Simple Goals

I'm going to list some of my personal interests on here just to help myself. I don't really mind people reading about them, so that's why I have this blog in the first place.

  • Implementing cool computer technology
  • Singing with piano playing
  • Trading currency
  • Magic: the Gathering
  • Bible study
  • Dating and staying married to a beautiful Christian woman
  • Hanging out with good friends
  • Health
  • Martial Arts
  • Having nice and agreeing fans of my writing and thoughts
  • Excelling at sports
  • Binge-watching an anime series every once in awhile
  • Expert mode survivalist
  • Finding out and trying to stick to copying some fun and interesting trends
  • Re-visiting tradition as long as it stays fun and in a good mood
  • Finding good deals and taking advantage of them
  • Acquiring interesting purchases that could improve quality of life
  • Maybe, a pet lover
  • Reading other people's comments and discussion points
  • Personal thoughts
  • Career advancement

Approaching Christmas Eve

Well, I just ended up mainly playing Magic: the Gathering the last couple days when I was off work. It looks like I'm not really hurt that bad at all if I end up losing and something I can come to an acceptance with. After all, it's really all about having fun to start with even though some games can become edge-of-your-seat chaotic and competitive. I guess that's what makes me coming back for more, which is just competing against one other and being friendly about it. It is after all, a two player game for the most part. It's like another form of playing chess, but for this one, you are customizing the cards you want to play with and testing it continuously or as long as you feel compelled to while aspiring towards hopeless perfection! No deck will ever be virtually impenetrable. There will always be a way because the higher-ups won't let that occur for so long, in order to make the game fair. It is after all, a lot of fun to exploit those advantages from mistakes the publishers make occasionally and try to make a career out of it. The game has become so popular that there is a cult following for it and also professional players who can do tournaments on the side.

I just can't stand too much poker action anymore. It's filled with variances in the game that will tempt my blood to boil. I don't feel that fullness in playing the game so much anymore, unlike the best players in the world. I thought I was going to go become an online professional player, but my style doesn't seem suited for making money, so I'm going to have to let it go this time around.

I think I'm going to create a separate for-profit website, where I'll just write about MTG, trading currency, anything related to health, and I.T. related topics that interest me. It could be in a way my own research that I'm publishing for free over the web. I'll keep this thing just personal and have fun with my writing.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Taller and Shorter Couples

From doing google searches on short guys, I'm reading some funny reasons about why short guys can be better than taller guys. It's true that a lot of women out there prefer their partner to be taller than they are. It's something of their nature with accepting how things are supposed to be. I'm not a girl so I can't really say much about that, but that's what a woman said as a vivid comment, so I believe her.

This website that I came has posts with the lady of the guy-girl couple usually making some comments and revealing the height difference. It's pretty cool that I got to read it and had fun. For the people who are closest to you especially family, things get really interesting after you are able to raise a few kids successfully. It's like after that, being short or tall doesn't matter while you are married.

They also had photos there and I had a great laugh at some of them, but hey I'm short too so I can relate now and feel good about my body. I'm not really that bad looking after all, and what my mom tells me is that it's not that I'm short that makes the difference, it's really how my build just makes me look incredibly healthy. When I'm able to have a nice and clean shaven face, I look incredibly handsome and so I join in the party of other losers out there who are trying to find a really hot date. I'm an exception where people will change their minds about my height because of everything about me that they can get to know. I cause conflict all the time from having some sort of inferiority complex and lack of sensibility, but that's not becoming the case for me anymore because I literally resolved my first conflict with someone in my life who has anger problems.

This is the website to check out for successful relationships dealing with shorter guys and taller women http://www.oocities.org/tallershorter/couples.htm. The pictures are quite funny and can leave a few men feeling jealous, so don't forget to check that section out.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Complaining Through Prayer

Obviously, it would be great for all of us to always have a thick skin about everything but it's nearly impossible to have that state of stoic mind. I've seen first hand though that using the thick skin does help me to organize my thoughts better and also it doesn't make me feel so bad about expressing my passion with others when we are in a heated moment. From listening to the radio yesterday, it says that everyone doesn't have a right to complain if he or she doesn't pray to God about it. I'm praying to God and telling Him that I don't care about the situations and that I'm going to surprise their flesh and make them feel knocked down.

In a sense, it's just the flesh we are dealing with and the hard work that I'm putting forth is pointing out the stupidity of the person who is having a beef with me. I'm going to pray a lot more while putting on my thinking skills and the thick skin on the fly, which are going to be my main tools for getting people to let go of their flesh. By putting all my undivided attention on the person and hard work with this whole neglecting of personal feelings, I'm going to be like a master at work. It doesn't matter what I put down here and how people prepare for it. I was made for this type of situation and just from praying to God about it, it makes things more legit for me to push it even with escalating force.

I am after all a self-seeking peacemaker when the need calls for it. That's the easy part and cheap thrills, but I don't really care. The only up-side I see to it is that I could have potential to be fair with refereeing both sides that I don't have any conflict of interest with. A third-party with no ties and is equally interested in both people's cases. If I could be that third-party person for a group of two people, while I master my self-seeking peacemaking skills, then it would be awesome!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Trading Update

From looking at my charts, I'm just practically looking for only one setup now. It will occur on the daily and 4 hour charts simultaneously for whichever I come across. It has had pretty decent results, and I've been profiting again. Fortunately, I'm only dealing with a demo account; otherwise, I would have been down another 1025 pips in real life, which wouldn't be so swell at all! Anyhow, I'm in control of my destiny here and it's fitting my style and seems to be working okay for me these days. Also, this is a little out of touch but I believe that when you have a bad day, you need to brush yourself off and then go on the attack again. Eventually, from hard work, I believe that it's going to pay-off and be massively rewarding from something that you like doing. Seriously, having a thick skin can go really a long ways to a successful path in your life. Of course, God is the one who deserves the credit in my opinion. I want to live this life of mine which I struggle with to not be a hypocrite and make it all for God!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Resolving Conflict, It Works!

If your speech or texting is with a nicely skilled degree of good etiquette and nice intention to the person who sees you as a pest, you don't really have anything to lose. They are trying to throw mean punches at you because they want you to fall lower than them. They already know that something's not right with them, and in most cases, this applies for me. I was kicked out of a church for a reason! This is why it's so important to keep a thick skin as your shield on the very high. This one guy who gave me a hard time ended up going on the defensive with me, because I'm just that kind of writer. It's a been there and done that type of deal, so I tried it out and it naturally fit so well. It ended with me giving him high hopes of the best kind of blessing out there. I wasn't worrying about my own personal feelings, which is what bothered and imperfect people are going to try to make you go into. They end up hating your guts for a reason and like to stay there. He ended up giving me a very helpful message in the end, as I told him that I don't care what wrong he did to me. He's so convinced though that I was more wrong than him. It's a pride type of deal that young guys have. I was cool enough to understand it now I guess because of keeping a thick skin, which has blossomed quite so well. I'm becoming a better problem remover with some dummies.

Copy and Paste Issue

It's a little easy to tweak copy and paste text. It only takes a few seconds. Just go to the HTML section and delete the little '' and '&nsbp'. It's interesting because those commands without the quotation marks would actually affect this post all together. It is live code in itself with this post that I am currently making, which is interesting in a way. There's also a live spell-checker in this thing too.

Message for People Who Are Scared of Me

It starts all the way from the beginning. You don't want to repeat what I did wrong that personally deals with you. You just say you don't want to talk about it. That's fine, indeed! Being called a psycho is a name-call and a general fallacy. It's just that you said you are scared and offended. About what? Can you tell me? All the way from the beginning and not what I did recently and up to like five years ago. From like the first message which you started by asking if I was like at your church or something and onward. You probably won't even know what it is. I know a woman who will tell me all the time and repeat what I did wrong, whenever I ask no matter how upset or afraid she is with me. I think you are scared because you don't know what it is and trying to blame me for it. You are just being selfish and out of it! It's because of our different personalities and they clashed. A lot of people are like this and struggle with having always perfect human relationships. Are you perfect in all your past, present, and future relationships including me? I don't have all the messages I kept anymore and I don't want to read most of them out of boredom. But I will take a few and just read them line-by-line and ask what you felt. I don't care how vulgar you want to be, but I will tell you for sure that our viewpoint won't even match up because it's all about paying attention to linguistics and not the mood nor event that made you feel uncomfortable. I was being positive all the way through and I'm good enough to explain how something you see bad means actually okay. This is the solution that I've been waiting for and it's boring and long process, but would resolve your feelings of conflict with me. I will do it while maintaining that hypothesis about you not knowing what it is and feeling scared because of it, which I think is very true. I don't care about my personal feelings here. I'm going to develop thick skin by doing this and communicate better, so there you go!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Gaining People Skills

Today, I learned that dealing with people sometimes I need to have a thick skin and think about what I'm going to say. Personality can sometimes cause people to clash with one another. It happens.

A lot of it that I found important was that sensing the mood and how everything that took place is very important when you are dealing with a person. Also, it would be very useful to communicate for confirming how the other person perceived what you said. In a text message, I would say going line by line somehow and asking what they thought about it and confirming or clarifying it. This is why you really need to have a thick skin in those cases because tempers can start flaring and make it difficult to resolve a conflicting solution. I guess having a mediator is important.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

What Happened Today

I woke up and then started playing the piano for about three hours straight while singing songs. I visited back Fur Elise and a little bit of Moonlight Sonata which are both beautiful pieces by Beethoven. Fur Elise has a lighter and more passionate sound than the other, but what I like about it is that for me, it's about going through hardships and finding your way back out of it, only to reap the reward for having done your best!

Moonlight Sonata is an enraging piece to me. It feels like all of that passion is going to burst and just make you go on a tirade. It's tone is also quite dark to me, but at the same time, it's a really moving and beautiful piece. Basically, both of these songs are what I would grade to be at the intermediate level. They are both not absolutely impossible to master. It just takes practice and determination.

Instead of playing Magic: the Gathering today, I binged on playing my piano for my whole morning before going to work. I skipped taking a shower too because I was so focused on playing. I ended up singing Lion King's Can You Feel the Love Tonight and my song that I revised. I ended up playing on my run-down piano and also electronic piano keyboard. It's just in case I play an out-of-tune piano, so that's why I practice on both. This is all just for showing off purposes!

I also made up a version of Mary had a Little Lamb and Jingle Bells where you only need to use three fingers to play. I made them just in case anybody was interested in learning to play a little piano. It would be like I'm giving them a high five and something for them to dwell in, if they ever decide to take lessons somewhere or purchase a piano out of impulsiveness.

This is my song that I created and these are the lyrics. I changed it around just slightly because my friends were complaining about how they couldn't understand what I was singing. It's more natural in communicating for me, I suppose because now I can express it in that manner.

The title of my written song is Jumping Betty (no real significance to the song, but taken from the video game Borderlands 2 ). The girl I was interested in, well sort of, is named Betty, but shh, nothing in the song is there that will give her enough evidence to sue me. Here are the lyrics, each line is where I take a small pause.

Waking up this morning to what's like a summer's day.

I find today to be unique.

Isn't it natural for people to bond with each other? I know apologies are not enough, still trying to make things right. She never let me take the lead. Why won't she let me try for once?

It's like the roses were

Not enough!

Oh well...

I have a secret to let you in on now.

I'm nothing at all. There's nowhere else to fall. Even when I come to her arms, begging on my knees. Does she make me all? She makes me all!

The battle trumpet sounds off. Desperation cries out. Shuffling my feet to places I don't belong. It's been hard to say.

I'm nothing at all. There's nowhere else to fall. Even when I come to her arms ,begging on my knees. Does she make me all. She makes me all...

This is a song about Stacy.

My girl from care group.

I asked her how she was doing. She didn't answer.

So this is my song for her!

She gives me joy so much that I'm speechless and I like it.

Her love for me is irresistible. I can't fight it. I can't fight it, yeah.

She shines so much her light of mercy. I receive it.

I'm bowed and broken. Everything's so new. She's like an inspiration to breathe. I'd like to see her live her life and get through all her days.

She gives me joy so much that I'm speechless and I like it.

Her love for me is irresistible. I can't fight it. I can't fight, yeah.

I'm nothing at all. There's nowhere else to fall. Even when I come to her arms, begging on my knees. Does she make me all? She makes me all!

The battle trumpet sounds off. Desperation cries out. Shuffling my feet to places I don't belong. It's been hard to say.

I'm nothing at all. There's nowhere else to fall. Even when I come to her arms ,begging on my knees. Does she make me all. She makes me all...

If life's like water, I'm dry as a desert.

If life's like Las Vegas, I really lost my shirt.

I'm lost without a clue. I flip a shout-out to the love I thought once know.

I never thought this was possible, but I'd like to say thank you for letting me give you a good time.

She gives me joy so much that I'm speechless and I like it.

Her love for me is irresistible. I can't fight it. I can't fight, yeah.

She shines so much her light of mercy. I receive it.


I don't know where you are.

Wherever you are.

May you go live in peace...

It's All Hidden Smiles

I am smiling underneath while wanting to cry at the same time. This happens when I stand around taller people. I still talk and function normal. It's just that I'm trying to hide the fact that I'm smiling. I'm hurting on the inside a lot, but it doesn't bug so much that I need medication for it.

It's just comedic for me to be a shorty and around taller women or sometimes taller men. I wish I was a 6 footer. I'd be happy with that, but I guess you can't have everything you want in life. Well, from reading up on the movie The Invention of Lying, I found out that Jennifer Garner's character regarded the main character as ugly and unfit to pass on beautiful genes because the nose of his kids would be so ugly. The main character became successful and rich, and from that Jennifer Garner's character felt he would be a great husband and father. Enough said right there, I just need to be those two things and that's all the confidence I will ever need in getting married.

If I get a six-pack and some muscles, then I'm going to have a pretty cute girlfriend for sure along with topping those things too. Well, at least I'll find someone with a better chance and with me wanting a Christian woman. Who knows how blessed God will truly make me out to be?

My List of Priorities

I created a list last night and practically forgot what I put on there, while I was brainstorming. Oh well, I remember some parts to it.

1. Settle down with a physically attractive, Christian woman.

Enough said there, I guess there's plenty of them out there. God provides! I was e-mailed by two, beautiful Christian ladies for going out by tonight. Yeah, that feels good, but I'm still taking my time with responding to those. What goes around, comes around. The same thing happens to me too when I message pretty girls. They take their time in responding back and sometimes never.

2. Read the Bible.

I just finished reading the New Testament and retained like 5% of it and have to go back to re-read it again. I just reached Psalms and that's probably the half way point for the Old Testament.

3. Become a Forex multi-millionaire.

Yeah, that would seriously be the life. Playing golf while making money and literally sleeping on the job.

4. Get muscles and a six-pack. Become an expert rock-climber.

5. Program apps.

6. Constantly learn on my job and also gain promotions when applicable.

7. Do self-maintenance.

8. Try to force myself to grow taller.

9. Get survival skills and be trained in medicine.

10. Socialize

I have about 12 things that I remember, but I guess I condensed it down a little bit.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Hard Work

I have this bored, tortured feeling from waking up and trying to set myself aside some time to give into my daily routine. However, when I detract from it by playing Magic: the Gathering or surfing the web, then I forget about all my worries and troubles. It's only when I make myself aware of how much time I wasted, then I start feeling bad and want to rewind the clock again. Time isn't coming back, unless you invent a time machine. Why waste all this time trying to build one, when life is moving forward anyway?

I just need to take the initiative. That's really all there is to it. I'm not really thinking and only focused and engaged in playing Magic: the Gathering. I am like so plugged in, when I do it. It's a lot of guilty fun for me. Yet, I don't desire to become a professional with it so all of that excess energy spent playing it is to just have fun. It was the same thing for me in college, except I was playing Starcraft and watching downloaded movies with bad quality.

I guess the weakness all originates from not wanting to face my own personal doldrums of just sitting there and letting the hours go by painfully, while trying to accomplish something that I don't really have my heart set on doing. It was about graduating after taking a lot of boring college courses for me.

Because of this weakness and setting my mind on fun things to do, I'm losing track of my precious time to do things like working out everyday and reading the Bible. I basically just need to take the initiative even if I'm not feeling it. I just need to be more logically oriented in this manner with that being the pay-off is going to feel so much better later for me. I'm going to just try writing down everything that I should be doing as a priority and leave out the fun, while letting that just be a natural thing for me when I make a little time for it. I just need to have a little bit of fun each day, but enough to keep me refreshed and recharged.

Basically, just learning how to keep myself from going crazy while being mad at a person has helped put things back in perspective for me. It's a constant battle. I mean I deal with this annoying guy on a regular basis and I just don't overreact nor say anything. I make him mad by replying with something funny, which I share with his laughing brother. His method is really talking about something I don't understand and then just laughing. I was angry that he was laughing at me about something I don't understand, but then I just got used to it and brush it off. He wants to talk to me sometimes though, and I just get back at him by not saying anything. He is bothering me a lot less in frequency then I'm accustomed to these days.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Relating To People

Well, this is funny in that everybody thinks negatively about something or someone at some point in time of their life. The truth is it's about how much we verbalize it or act on those feelings that can probably get others to think how much of a jerk you are to them.

I'm just laughing in that I'm aware of this thing that people do to one another now. I'm also aware how some people just let it out and talk about their frustrations with close friends. I've been around people doing that because I don't say anything about it. It's pretty annoying to me now when I see it, but I still don't say anything. In fact, I felt it was like the most scariest thing to be a part of for awhile.

Just having this understanding now, it helps me to compartmentalize my negative feelings from just being awkwardly moody when a nice or annoying friend is talking about how his or her day is going. When I did express myself in a really insane and offensive manner that made me laugh so hard to the point of calming down, the other person became scared of me and made complaints about me behind my back. I just know because I hear about them from annoying friends.

I'm choosing not to express myself in a true fashion like that anymore because the other person I still want to be friends with doesn't want to function right anymore. A real and taller man I knew put a restraining order on me and before he said I was a terrorist, he looked like he wanted to go to the bathroom from trembling so much when I approached him to have a friendly chat. I should have asked him, "Are you okay?" I didn't because I was laughing so hard at him, inside my own head. I did all the wrong moves on purpose because I just felt like it and didn't care. I was angry when the cop said that I had to still work with him and got to be 0 yards away from him and keep things work-related. I felt like I was being told like a kid what to do by a cop. It made me mad and so that's how life went. I don't care now! I just fully feel like laughing about the incident even though the guy wouldn't when I talk about it with him. The restraining order isn't around anymore and lasts for only three years. I'm an experienced restraining order getter now. I still have a clean non-criminal record because it doesn't count as really anything. It just makes life harder because you want to get back at the person and for doing that, you could go to jail.

I really could care less if people went for those civil restraining orders and said that I'm bothering them too much that they need the law's assistance to leave them alone. Some people or intra-personal skills they got. I'll say something like that because you get to appear next to them. It doesn't even make sense, when I can appear next to the person and act like an angel for a certain amount of time to contradict what the person is saying against me to the judge.

Anyway, I'm laughing and have learned how I can be still nice by not acting on my agitated and angry feelings of wanting to offend people for just annoying me in general. It could be from the past and recalling it in the moment. It could even be from the present and trying to get rid of those feelings. It could be any feeling and so I just want to be cool and nice, while also making other people laugh in a good way. I guess it's easy to be a little fearful about giving me a hard time and making fun of me now. It's probably just easier to leave me alone and not get in my way of things.

Decent Plans With Consistency

I'm really going to stick to my current job for as long as possible. I'm going to keep at it for a life-time and become a master at it, while gaining little knowledge at a time on other workings of the business I'm in. I'm really lucky in that I actually have a job that can pay well and that I don't really need to obtain a Master's or Ph. D. anymore. 

The only thing I really feel shy about is finding a girlfriend. It sort of makes me feel a little sad to see other people paired up and displaying a light form of public affection, but that's the funny part for me. Now I'm understanding and better equipped with how certain people want to interact with me, and they are filled with a lot of surprises. It's part of being human and that's what it is all about. 

I'm constantly talking about the Bible with my high school, Catholic buddy and whatever I learn from church. I guess it's my way of trying to pass on God's Word to someone. Along with that I'm looking to maintain my hair through a little bit of research and keep it from all falling out now. Yeah, I'm putting on a little Rogaine each day after I apply some natural ingredients to my head that are known to rejuvenate hair and get it thicker again. 

I'm going to work out everyday like twice whenever I can. Once in the morning with the basic push-up, sit-up, and run. After work, I'm going to hit the gym again to do some weight training. I'm not looking to kill myself, but just get progressively stronger to the point that I have a six-pack and can do one-handed pull-ups easily! Well, I do want to be very good at rock-climbing so that's what it's going to take for me, which is getting in really good shape with my whole body. 

On top of working out to try to get in top shape, I might as well become tactically skilled as well in survival, so that includes doing archery and bowling strikes all the time. I'm going to try to stretch my way to getting a little taller too. Who cares, if nobody believes it works. I just don't care. I'll be a flexible short person for all I care. 

It reminds me, I should take up cooking on some healthy and delicious meals too. I just need to manage my time better to get to this pretty balanced life that I have in mind. Last, but not least, I'm going to make millions of dollars someday and do an unassisted back-flip! 

Combining More Trading Strategies

I practically purchased two different systems and received coaching for them. These are the two systems somewhat in its modified version. By just doing a little run-down of what I can do, I have different setups that I am looking for. By doing so, I was browsing through all the 24 pairs I am looking at really fast and ended up with four trades. I don't know if those trades are good, but I'm still experimenting with this.

Overall, it's pretty fun and all my trades lasted throughout the night without stopping out. I ended up taking profit of about 130 pips. I'm still down about 260 pips though from having made some messy trades at the beginning of the month. One thing I like about these setups is that I am enjoying the style and looking forward to what it might lead me to in the future.

Monday, December 7, 2015

More Trading Adjustments

I've made a little more tweak to the system and I'm finding that I'm getting more specific trades. I'm mainly looking for like a perfect setup on the Daily chart and then looking for factors on the Weekly chart that would place my market outlook of the currency heavily in my favor that I'm looking to trade.

I still have yet to test my idea on doing bounce trades with support and resistance, but I'm still refining the other method which is loosely based on how I learned those indicators in the past. I'm going off with experimenting those indicators and doing it on my own. I really have a slightly modified version of the original system that I purchased about five years ago. The system is now defunct of course, but I've decided to hang on to it and just go at it by myself while blending in a whole lots of things that I've picked up over the past.

Leviticus 14:15-23

Verse 15 leaves off with how the priest is to take a log of oil (less than one-half of a pint) and pour it into the palm of his own left hand. Verse 16 states that the priest will then dip his right finger in the oil that's on his left hand and sprinkle some oil with his finger seven times before the Lord. / ( The only thing I'm really getting out of this is how the number seven represents God. ) Verse 17 says that  some of the oil gets put on the tip of the right ear of the person who is to be cleansed, on the thumb of the right hand, on the big toe of the right food, and on the blood of the trespass offering. (I'm asking to myself now, what if the person doesn't have a big toe or thumb on his right side? Would this then mean that the priest can't complete this ritual? I don't really know and I don't even have an answer to those questions. The Bible hasn't been that absolutely clear so far apart from speculation, and I'm not really going to go there for now. )

Verse 18 states that the rest of the oil that is on the priest's hand will be put on the head of the person who is to be cleansed. After doing so, the priest is then ready to make atonement for him before the Lord. / ( I know I've said this a few times on the very little occasions I've tried writing about the Bible, but I'm so glad that Jesus is the high priest that anyone can go to for atonement of sins without having to bother doing these old-time sacrifices. ) Verse 19 states that the priest does the sin offering and then makes atonement for the person who is to be cleansed from uncleanness. After this, the priest kills the burnt offering. / ( I'm just loosely thinking about how the Mayans and Aztecs engaged in some crazy human sacrifices, like how in the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, this one evil looking guy with a skull cap ripped out the heart of a man in a cage, before he was sent to his doom. This is unlike the Bible because instead of humans being sacrificed, it was animals. I'm sure in these days, some vegetarians who form PETA would detest these type of practices. Why is it that vegetarians don't detest to killing plants for energy? They are practically living things too. )

(Who knows? ) Verse 20 talks about the priest offering burnt offering and grain offering on the offering table, which is called an altar! "So the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be clean." Verse 21-22 says that if the man who is assumed to have all his fingers and toes can't pay for the sacrifices, he takes one male lamb as a trespass offering to be waved for being made atonement. / (From just having gone through a disease and being declared unclean, is the person unrighteous before the Lord's sight? I don't think it's because of that. It's more like it's a constant, spiritual battle and because of human pride, we are not going to seek out for God's help when we should really be confessing our daily sins. ) Furthermore, the person to be cleansed takes about 1/2 of a gallon of fine flour mixed with oil as a grain offering, about less than one-half pint of oil, and two turtledoves or two young pigeons, whichever he can afford. Of the birds, one is going to be sin offering and the other a burnt offering. (/ This is interesting in that for the person to have been considered clean after doing the ritual of being cured of leprosy, one bird dies and the other is set free in the wild after being dipped in the dead bird's blood. In this case, after doing a cleansing ceremony from being cured of leprosy, another ritual has to be taken place to be cleansed of sins. This seems very plausible because from the guy with leprosy not being let inside the camp, the priest wouldn't be able to make atonement for him. This seems really symbolic to how being a sinful person, it can separate us from God by like being sent off into the wild and how God gives us over to our own sins to whip us back into shape, but won't let go of us. It's like God keeps us at a distance because we are His children.) Verse 23 states that the person to be cleansed after having been declared clean from being cured of leprosy, on the eighth day, those items become brought to the priest at the door of the tabernacle of meeting, before the Lord. (/ After being declared clean by the priest, it looks like the person who had to be outside of camp from leprosy is allowed back in to his or her possessions. One question I really need to ask, is if all of these rituals only apply for men. I mean I'm sure women and children were also susceptible to leprosy. Would they have been treated differently by the priests? Also the Bible translates it a little with the old English standard, so it does seem to be a little confusing here. Somehow, it would probably be like a great celebration for friends and family to see their loved one again and just maybe, if the person was poor, others wouldn't mind giving some items for sacrificing maybe for a favor in return later on. )

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Feeling Good

It's this nervous type of feeling that I'm getting in that I need to finish something that I started. I want to get this blog ended for the year with 365 posts again! You can't really blame me for that because I've been doing it for at five years now straight. It would just be like a kick in the private area for me if I missed it by just one post, just like how I missed a few posts last month. I'm going to be on it this month until I get 365 posts total!

It would also be not so cool for me if I exceed my amount as well. It would just be so crazy, but I really like I'm how one of the most active bloggers around from just putting whatever while averaging one post daily. Even though I'm not really getting attention on this blog, like I only had about 18 visits today and yes, not including my own. The maximum I've had was like 100 people and that's it! It's a high note for me, when I manage to get those types of post going.

I think it happens when I'm talking all funny or controversial about stuff that happened in my life. Everybody can get all rattled about the little stuff and get annoyed with other people's personalities and start dissing them behind their back. It's just that I choose not to do it, while thinking about it and then I just offend people by telling them very offensive jokes about themselves because I'm so annoyed with them. Yeah, it's all part of being human while maintaining relations with others.

In terms of Jesus talk, I believe that Jesus is perfect even though he offended the Pharisees back in the New Testament. Sure, we live in the New Testament but I'm talking about like back in 30 A.D. during the Roman Empire. In a nutshell, even though Jesus is still perfect while he offended those religious leaders, we are not when we offend others because we live in sin! Uh oh, our hearts are basically composed of evil and corrupt desires. The Bible says so and by having heard that from someone, I was so mad at him for awhile. I'm now more open to accepting while I have a little sense of humor about my past misgivings and also from having sought after repentance. The reason why we aren't perfect with others and can sometimes have conflict in a social atmosphere is because of our personality flaws.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Success After So Many Failures

It takes so many attempts to succeed for me, but it's well worth it for me to get there. It's humbling for me. I guess a lot of the reasons for why I keep on trying is because it's just addictive for me. I think it's important to have a strong ambition and great work ethic. It's really hard in the beginning, unless you were just born for something but once you can get through it, it becomes a little easier and can be much more enjoyable. I guess this is just like anything with life.

I totally believe that sticking to the roots of worshiping God with the Bible will seriously help you get to where you need to be. Maybe, I'm just like a commoner or unique peasant to the world that people can just have a nice regard for because of my demeanor. I mean I want to give off a great witness to the world about how loving God really is and that those who are not saved from being convicted of His goodness might open up their hearts too.

Some places are evil and I'm among the people there. I know that, but I still would like some to come to the knowledge that they are in a bad place and should change their ways while accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I can't really force that on people, but it would be nice to see some bad people just do a complete 180-degree turn in their lives.

One of those Magic the Gathering Nights

My MTG deck looks very powerful in the modern format and might also be competitive with some older style formats as well. I played my buddy all night until like 4:00 am after I visited his place at 11:00 pm. It was a whole lot of fun! I kept on beating him multiple times, even though he got me a few times. His deck is basically composed of my deck's weaknesses.

The key to winning against the weak parts of my deck was to basically create a strong sideboard, which is 15 additional cards that you can switch out in between games. This has been made legal in the professional tournament circuit. I only needed to sideboard half of my original deck, but those 8 cards really can make a difference in game play against his. My buddy was so convinced of my hot streak that he is considering obtaining the cards that I've used against his. He is pretty convinced that maybe his deck will become invulnerable once he tries it on his.

I'm actually a little skeptical about that. It's just that those cards work very well against his. This is pretty much the run down of what I'm playing in case anyone was wondering. I'm running a control deck with leveling creatures. The counter-spells and Path to Exile cards really disrupt his ultra-speed burn deck that relies on taking out the opponent with quick momentum before he or she bounces back. In addition, I've added in the really sought-after Spellskite which is just a two cost artifact creature and costs about a hefty 22 dollars to purchase. The Spellskite is noteworthy for redirecting spells that can target creatures to it, so it works fairly well against the famous lightning bolts my buddy loves to use. I'm also running the cheap two-cost Aegies of the Gods which gives me hexproof against his powerful burn spells.

The games have been really close where he's brought my life down to 5 starting at 20 life. It becomes a close game, but my deck has been edging out the wins because of those control cards. I think the ingenuity of my deck is that it has life gaining capabilities and can do a massive amount of damage because I utilize my leveling creatures efficiently with the counter-spells.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Making More Trading Adjustments

Okay so I thought yesterday's indicators looked all cool, but now I've made a few modifications to it again. The EURCHF has been trading for a few days so far and has a few more pips, which seems pretty cool. I wonder what if I applied the same methodology to other pairs. I wonder if the volatility of the market would move in my favor and then generate a lot more pips.

I'm going to go for what seems to be a more sure thing this time. I don't really want to waste my money on getting stopped out a lot from being aggressive with my trades. I'll just stick to being patient and more picky, in order to expect a nice payout on the long run. I'm basically not entering trades where I would calculate the stop loss to be close to 100 pips.

I'm using the weekly to see if I can match up wisely with the daily. All I really care about is undersold or overbought conditions with the weekly. I'm just looking at one indicator. On the daily, I'm factoring in everything. Maybe I could just program an additional indicator eventually to tell me if the weekly is where I want it to be. I'll do it eventually, if this method starts to work for me.

So far, I have only two planned methods to go with trading. I guess I'll where this takes me for the rest of the month. So far, my month has been mainly losses with a few big wins. One of those big trades turned into a loss as well. I'm just doing whatever right now and trying to close in on a successful method that I feel comfortable with.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

More Trade Tweaking

I've decided to combine things that I've learned from reading and attempted with mastering. This is pretty much my own three-in-one system. It's nothing totally special if the trader is definitely a pro, but there are some interesting parts with it.

The highlighted areas are pretty much my profit taking areas. I've decided to use the best oscillators and moving averages that I have become accustomed to and have a decent feeling for already. These are pretty much the two, separate proprietary systems that I've purchased in the past years. It was on and off, and now I've combined these two together and trying to make it fit the whole puzzle for me, while doing it the way I want to. The lines are pretty much acting as guidelines for me in what to expect the market is going to do. They are calculated support and resistance, which is going to be tested against by the market. It may act like that or go completely haywire! My third way of trading is pretty much from pin formations on the candlestick. Some of them are strong enough to be used as an indicator, especially on the daily chart and it can last for days while waiting for another setup to form.

At least there's one thing about any market with investing involved. It moves up and down! Timing it right is an art and what can create millionaires all over the world. I'm just trying to go over it and looking for simple patterns using what I have on the chart. It really does make more sense though with how the indicators will behave as the market goes bullish or bearish.

New Trade

Wow, I am so off right now. Good thing it's only a demo account! I got rid of the 24 pair scanner and went back to scanning the daily charts while using weekly for a general view. I only managed to feasibly get into one trade that I liked per my own personal trading engagement rules. I'm now trying to use the indicators appropriately for how I used them.

I guess I was trying to loosely adapt them into a more aggressive trading style, but it's made my results unsubtle. I guess for the weekly, I'm just caring about price action and trend momentum being at overbought or undersold conditions. I'm pretty much going to dedicate myself with looking at the charts at least once a day and try sticking to my personal trading rules.

For this EURCHF pair, I have the SL at the high of yesterday while having gone bearish. Within minutes, I saw that the market was 7 pips in profit after making up for the spread. I guess these higher time frames could also help with scalping pairs as well. My goal is to catch a long and profitable ride while working at a reliable signal. I have 24 pairs to work with, so I'm seeing some action even though it's mainly turned out bad so far. I've been able to get a few 100 to 200 pip trades, but I'm trying to make sense of it and get it working for me!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Best Trade Update

I have a nice risk to reward ratio of 1:2 going with this trade, which is based off the weekly chart. I'm basically avoiding swing lows and highs that go to and beyond the 100 pip range for the stop loss.  I figure that I enjoy these long trades that make me profit while I just comfortably watch the market do its thing.

Currently, I'm still finding my proper feel for the markets, but this pair is the more traditional GBP/USD pair that I've experienced a handsome return with. It's still projected to move a little more in my favor. It seems to be a bit more reliable and longer lasting signal because I'm just counting weeks and entering the market based on the daily time frame.

By filtering the market in this manner, based off of 24 different currencies. I will probably have at the most five trading at a time, or put about 5% to 10% at risk.

Leviticus 14:1 - 14

I have finally made it out of just trying to summarize Leviticus 13 on this blog! I'm just trying to make sense out of it verse by verse, and it seems so hard to try to do this consistently. I have so much going on my mind. This reminds me, I need to read the my daily portion of the Bible. I'm almost done with the New Testament. I don't know what's going on in the Bible, but a few verses do stick to me so I hope it gets better as I continuously read the Bible. "It will," says everybody!

Verse 1 of Leviticus 14 says that God talked to Moses. The end of that verse. Verse 2 mentions a law made specifically for lepers (oh, the humanity). I really am not accustomed to using that word. I'm sensitive about saying bad words around people too. I just don't do it and incited a few people (a girl and a boy) to dare me to say a cuss word. It's always like that- a male and a female do something to me and it's just one of each gender. The restraining order is the same too- one from a male stupid person and a female crybaby.

Okay verse 2 finishes with the law of the leper pertaining to being cleansed. On the day of his cleansing, he is brought to the priest. Verse 3 states that the priest goes out of the camp and examines him to confirm healing took place. / (I will be using this to add side notes to avoid any confusion. It looks like lepers are cast out of camp and have to live by themselves. I think this was verified from the last chapter. What a sad and lonely life!)  Verses 4-5 state that on confirmation of the person being healed, the priest commands two living and clean birds, cedar wood, scarlet, and hyssop to be obtained. / (They all must have some symbolic representation.) Verse 5 says that one of the bird gets killed in an earthen vessel over running water. / (Wow, that's seems a little gruesome like not messing around here with this ritual.)  Verse 6 states the other bird gets dipped in the blood of the bird that was killed over running water along with the cedar wood, scarlet, and hyssop. / (It looks like to me that some symbolic form of redemption is taking place.) After that, verse 7 states the same blood gets sprinkled seven times who is to be cleansed and then is pronounced clean and the living bird becomes lucky and sent off into the wild. / (Imagine the birds being used were the pope's doves. In one iconic scene of the media, the pope sent off doves to go freely into the wild probably from secretly being annoyed of them but they didn't want to fly away. It's nothing like home sweet home! All of this description of a ritual took up one paragraph which took five minutes to write up and could be even faster if the priest rushes it. The number seven also means God! God is represented in the Bible with the number seven which means perfection. Man is represented with 6 for imperfection. The anti-christ is given the number 666. The New Testament states that only three things remain: faith, hope, and love. Man is imperfect in those qualities.)

Verse 8 states that in addition, the person who is to be cleansed of leprosy takes a bath, does laundry, and shaves off every hair all around the body. /(Imagine being hairy or seeing hair in the weirdest places of the body, especially for the girls!) After that, he stays outside the camp for another seven days. / (God gets to have His way here, I guess.) Verse 9 on the seventh day after that, the person now becomes fully hairless including the eyebrows and does laundry again. After that he's clean. / (Shaving the hair is probably just keeping away the contaminant germs, or that's what I'm presupposing with no medical knowledge of leprosy.) Verse 10 states on the eighth day, the cured person takes two male lambs without blemish, a ewe lamb without blemish, three-tenths of whatever an ephah means (4.8 gallons) of grain offering mixed oil, and a log of oil. / (Yummy!)

Verse 11 states the priest who made the person clean presents the person at the door of tabernacle of meeting to the Lord. Verse 12 states the priest uses a male lamb and offers it as trespass offering and does a wave offering with the log of oil before the Lord. / (It looks like the trespass offering and wave offering is some form of cleansing ritual that takes place before God allows a person to be cleansed.) Verse 13 states the priest kills the lamb in the place where sin offering and burnt offering is done in a holy place. One of the lambs is used to offer a sin offering and trespass offering for the priest! / (So yeah, God doesn't look at priests as being so holy and divine. He knows they sin too.) It is the most holy. Verse 14 states the priest takes some of the blood from the trespass offering and puts it on the right ear of the person to be cleansed, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot.

Embracing Conflict

I took a short introvert-extrovert personality test. The result that came out for me is that I'm an omni-vert. What that pretty much means is that I have the best of both qualities. I enjoy some peace and quiet and every now and then, I'm cool about socializing with others even though I need some people to approach me. It's only because I feel shy from being shorter than others. If this wasn't the case, I would probably be trying something since my childhood era!

An extrovert is comfortable with conflict. With that being plain said, I'm also an extrovert and introvert at the same time, so I feel very confident about people being bothered with me now!

My weakness is that I thought my strongest point was what was bothering people. It's actually a negative quality with me because I didn't notice that I was heavily annoyed to the borderline of being angry. You see, I've learned to keep my emotions in check even when stuff are making me so enraged. I put it out in the form of angry jokes that offends the people I'm annoyed with.

Learning to separate those angry feelings with others and doing the right thing in pushing forward with a more suitable state of mind has started to make me laugh about my past conduct and mistakes. I also think it's funny with how others treated me too in their speech. They are just words and said really out-loud in an angry voice. They are weaklings to me anyway and doing me a service with helping me becoming desensitized with people whose voices suck and should never aspire to be professional singers!

I'm cool with just about everybody now that I ever engaged in some type of conflict with. I still feel the angry, annoyed feeling where it wants to go out and start telling creative and offensive jokes about the person I'm not feeling good about. I'm just more aware of it and not choosing to go that route anymore. I prefer to be a much cooler and nicer person, just because it makes me happier and that's the direction I want to go now.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Funny Being Sad

I sometimes get these sad and sorrowful feelings from being around taller people. I just turn shy and keep to myself. I smile a lot on the outside though and try to look presentable and nice. This is why it's pretty funny!

I'm not really that attracted to taller women though because it makes me feel annoyed being shorter than her. Sometimes, I wish that things could work out and she would be a Christian and turn into a very cool wife. Well, there are shorter women out there and some of them are crazy enough to go along for the ride with just about anybody nice. It's probably easy for some guys to take advantage of them though, which is unfair and could cause some problems for me too in the long run.

Maybe learning to set aside my annoyances and trying to settle down with a taller, attractive, and more stable Christian woman might be better for me after all. Even if people think we are strange or humans to avoid making friends with, I guess if we have God in our lives then we can't really lose anyway!

I think the biggest thing I need to work on is being sure of myself. I don't think potential girlfriends want to be with a short man, no matter how sexy he is, if he's always anxious about stuff and can't handle his personal matters that well with some form of elegance.

After all, this is the reason why I'm working at becoming a millionaire and having a six pack. On top of being at the peak of my game, it would introduce a lot of benefits and also allow me to compete with other guys who are just naturally gifted at finding the woman they want. Well, if those guys do then it's a good thing and hats off to them. I'm not going to be jealous about that because some marriages end up disastrous anyway. I hope it becomes like something where I like this one girl so much and enamored about everything with her and she falls in love too and that other guys would not be so interested in her. It could seriously take awhile.

Missed Last Days

I guess I have been keeping myself busy. Let's see what I really want to do. I don't really want to just sit there and watch a lot of T.V. It wouldn't be that good for me. I do want to continue to work out, so I'm now going to add in a little bit of cooking and trying to attempt to make some healthy and delicious foods.

I have like ten books on cooking and recipes and never attempted to make any of those foods. I've probably tried reading through them at least once and that was it. I think it's a waste keeping those books in my shelf, and I did keep it there for a reason along with some of my hacking books.

My bookshelf is pretty much books about God, hacking, and cooking healthy and delicious food! For the longest time, I had this problem with sitting there and stressing out about stuff. It was really hard for me to stay relaxed and concentrate. I just wasn't sure of myself and had so much anxiety. I don't know how all of that fell out of me. Maybe, it's because I turned more dumb or something. I didn't do it through drinking nor drugs because that would have probably made things worse for me.

Hmm, I guess my dumb state of mind is something I could take advantage of by studying hard again. Oh yeah, I did get a couple 100% grades on my grad school courses. I think that was a major confidence booster. I haven't gone back to grad school after that because I'm onto something with learning to trade and dedicating myself to this cool job while working out and trying to get a very hot Christian wife.

Updating Trading Style

It seems like every time I talk about making profit on here, then all of a sudden it doesn't go so well for me. I think it's really all about the proper timing and that's something I'm just going to need to learn to have a better feel for somehow. It's just cool with keeping it simple and having fun doing this.

I pretty much rigged the coding of this program that is only supposed to be used for 10 pairs of currencies and fit in 24 pairs while adjusting the font size to barely legible. I put it all in alphabetical order so I could just analyze what I'm going to try to trade using just one screen. How about that? It's like a general bird's eye view before trying to go after making profit.

This is what my indicators look like now though and I'm just going to mess with it to see how I can maximize my profit. The only good thing about all this is that I'm learning for free by just putting my time into it. All of these indicators are files I acquired and have been outdated for awhile. Still, they appear to be pretty robust while fitting my trading style.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Adjusting Trades Again

Well, I've had the opportunity to basically be able to make acquaintances with some women for the last two weekends. It was cool and all! I'm just trying to put myself out there. When I'm around people, I'm a little bit shorter so I just naturally feel shy about speaking up. I'm starting to just laugh about my predicament and feelings.

That reminds me, I need to get back to being consistent with trying those growth stretches again.Okay, with the trading thing I'm going to also try to add in looking at the 4 hour chart as well this time around. I'll see how that goes in improving my position trades.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving / Black Friday

I'm going to try to make a post on at least the major holidays.

Anyhow, with this trading thing going, I've decided to adjust my style again. This time I've decided to trade based on the weekly, so that means I'll only have to look at this once a week or just to adjust profit on a daily basis. I'm going to go for position trading this time around, instead of just day/swing trading.

I'm going to go for making entries using the day chart that corresponds to the weekly. This way, it will be hard for me to miss any important trading signal. I have tried waiting with faster time frames but I'm too impatient and bored of just sitting around watching and hoping for my shiny moment. I would rather just get in the market and ride the waves of profit!

I'm realizing that I'm going to stop out every once in awhile, but my style is really to make a lot of profit on the long term and it might even go for months sometimes. I'm cool with that and excited to try this new approach I thought up from just analyzing the charts, while trying to understand how this one system works. It's not exactly following the way it's supposed to be though, and I've just gone off doing my own thing.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Lots of Things To Do

Playing video games and watching T.V. sounds like a lot of fun to do when I have no aspirations to be anybody, right after giving some of my time to the Lord. However, that really isn't the case. I want to do lots of things and have always wanted to. I'm really going to need to set aside my time more away from the big screen and wanting to mash buttons for conquering a silly game way-better than others. I think I can use all of that fun and personal time while turning it into a useful investment.

Well, I would like to go out and keep hanging out with people. It's fun to meet new people and to also catch up with the old. The bad things that happened aren't really that big of a deal anyway. It's not a problem because I don't have to turn it into that way. Other than that, I really need to give my car another oil change and to also get a doctor's appointment and go see a dentist. I really need to schedule those things and do some more paper work.

One of the Most Active

I could very well be one of the most active people out of my approximately 8,000 peers who blog on this site as well. It's because I'm only trying to average one post a day! It's just that simple, and I'm like ranked at the top of the most active people for that.

It must not be easy trying to write everyday on a blog that nobody really cares to give feedback on. This is where some crazies can develop and then when the individual does something to catch attention, then that's where all this material pops up which people would be like going nuts over. It's just human nature and just naturally being part of the flesh over stupid, funny things.

Anyhow, I'm looking to still read the Bible, work out, and then trade my way to millionaire status and six pack! I just need to work a lot harder than most people and stay pretty consistent at it. It's really these little and simple things that one needs to keep in mind, but so very easy to forget and not keep in personal check because of other, selfish agendas that are happening.

Trading Log

After about two days, this trade has managed to make about 170 pips which just means that it's a really nice return. Also, the indicators are showing that there is still more potential movement. I really love these types of trades, and I hope to make these often enough.

I'm basically looking at trading when it bounces off a resistance or support level. Also, I'm testing out my aggressive entry strategy as well. It looks like as long as the spread is decent enough, I could probably end up scaling all my trades to accommodate about 2-5% of my funds at a time while entering all the different currencies. It's because I'm trading with the daily chart and noticing the moves are big enough to profit while doing this strategy.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Pretty Simple

This is what I personally believe will work a lot when it comes to living a fully enriched life. The first and most important thing is to seek a relationship after God from reading the pages of the Bible. By loving Jesus, it just sets up the person to be the very best he or she can be in this life.

That being said, how it applies to me is finding an attractive and pretty strong-willed Christian woman to marry. It is through studying the Bible daily and applying its principles and finding a way to work out with the differences. I think all of that theoretically makes sense and works out in the end.

It's just pretty much hard work to have balance in every aspect of my life, but in the end, I believe that becoming a millionaire with six-pack abs will help me out a whole lot in marrying a decent and attractive believer.

I guess I can see myself having a little fun with playing golf too, even though I'm not that good at it. It would be fun to improve my game a little and to just have fun at it. I guess I have this imagination that needs to be filled up, and it's about coming to acceptance for me in that things are not always going to go accordingly to what I want and that I should work really hard at it without losing heart to minimize what I see as threats. It's to also take advantage of those who wronged me in a way too, without them really having to know about it.

Trading Update

This is my current best trade that I have running as of now. I have been constantly looking at the charts to analyze a feasible pattern of trading and then trying to test it out in the live market. I do have a trading group that I can go hang out with to exchange some ideas and learn how to be successful in this market. It's pretty fun for me and something I can see myself doing really well in and eventually becoming a millionaire over!

I practically just changed it up a little again and made it even more simpler for my eyes. I have been trying to figure what the best times are to enter and exit the market. I'm also just trying off the daily chart from not desiring to spend a whole lot of time of this each day, and it looks like I'm on my way to tweaking this system so that it could cause me to make some moderate gains.

It's really quite simple actually. I'm just basing it off the laws of supply and demand, when it comes to dealing with trading currency. The numbers don't lie and the charts do a wonderful job at depicting where the market is currently going. It then just becomes a whole bunch of speculation after that.

Friday, November 20, 2015


From the last post, it sounded all dandy just that I forgot to consider one thing. The girl I want to be married to has to have her sight set on Jesus. Basically, she needs to be a Christian for me to want to be very interested in her and with those really fun nights I would like to enjoy. I say this with a sense of humor. I'm sure if I texted this to someone I'm annoyed at, then he would get really mad and want to disown me as a friend. I guess there's other, attractive Christians to go find if it isn't here. I'm going to just hold my horses a little and find out as soon as possible, while trying to meet up a few female friends who could be available as well and making new ones.

One of the Most Important Realizations Ever

Apart from realizing, Jesus is the way, truth, and the light. God sent Himself while being flesh and blood and was a perfect being because God can only do the impossible. God did this through being His Son Jesus and saved His believers from condemnation. That pretty much means everything to me, so I choose to worship God through believing upon Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit.

However, there's something personal about my flaw that I just realized and have been developing at while giving effort. I've become a much nicer guy from trying to man-handle my own emotional disturbances. Basically, my personality flaw that causes disruptions in my personal relationships is from being annoyed at people and just texting them anything that bothers them. Why would I do that? Because it makes me laugh so hard and then I become cool with the person again. The other person doesn't like it and tries to chase me away from his or her life.

I've finally received help from what I believe God in this matter, just to come to the realization. Now, I'm making an effort to change my ways so I can be a better witness to these people I struggle in having a nice relationship with.

Another side note, my main reason for writing this deep post was because I was thinking about this friendly girl I was able to be around as just an acquaintance. I'm thinking I could marry her right now and have so much fun each night after going out doing something. I'm just putting it in Disney terms to sound still appropriate because it's funny to me! I know readers know what I'm talking about here. Anyway, I'm attracted to her and don't even know if she already has a boyfriend in mind that she's going to marry. Anyhow, just right in the nick of time, I realized my relationship crashing flaw from help above and so I'm going to work hard to make this second nature where I won't be sending texts while I'm annoyed at someone. I don't want to do this to her friends and then lose a decent opportunity; that would suck. I'm going to have to prove that I'm a changed man not just to her, but to everyone affected by me because of it. If I can do this, then I think I'm the nicest and coolest guy in the world for the job of having fun with her each night while married! Okay, maybe that's too much probably like once every two or three days to some degree.

Only in the Movies

An awesome writer has the ability to incite the worst out of people and sometimes to put on the brakes and then slowly reverse. These writers have a place in the world, and their talent belongs in movies, scripts, plays, and novels- they entertain the masses with their incredible gift.

I have an ability to write and make a contribution to the world with it. Yet, I don't really want to be just merely an entertainer. I want it to be used for something more useful. Now, I know that I have a personality flaw when dealing with my writing. I've worked on my texting, and it dramatically like changed overnight. It was like an effortless feeling to get to my friends actually responding back to me with "Yeah, let's go hang out." and "when?"

There's a time and place for my writing ability. If I abuse it, I can end up getting in trouble with some charismatic people who will try to lead a mob town against me. People in misery like to lead on others into thinking their conclusions are correct, and in one case that I was actively involved with, the other guy was having some trouble drawing reasonable conclusions and sticking to hasty generalizations. He would just go off and say things with absolutes, like for example, "No one wants to hang out with you." I laugh at that statement. He said, "Everybody is younger than you." I was like so and so isn't, and he was like "Oh really?" Basically, I couldn't take his comments very seriously.

Just In Time

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so scared.

For this post, I'm just raving about how I managed to finally figure out my personality flaws that makes a few people go nuts and run away from me! It leaves me feeling so sad. I end up texting them non-threatening messages that talk about nonsense and drive them crazy from being so annoyed at them. No one honestly should encourage me to get there because that's pretty much the borderline of losing my cool.

I'm constantly laughing while I'm sending those text messages because I know they are going to read it. What I put on there makes me laugh while thinking about how the person is going to react. I then forget about it and become cool with the person I was annoyed with. However, the person I did it too now becomes unstable and doesn't want me around him or her. Well, that sucks, I'm so cool about hanging out with the person, but he or she is like not interested anymore.

It's funny in an inappropriate way especially if the reader likes to hate people in general. Maybe I'm a super and very cool person to be the most prettiest girl's lover if the world takes away my phone and access to social media on the Internet. If anybody would take away my ability to write, then I become like the greatest guy in the world.

I can see how my texting can be a struggle when I'm incredibly annoyed. The reason why it's scary is because I'm functioning like a normal person still and can be planning really scary stuff while thinking it isn't so bad to do to the person, like setting manure on fire and pretending it was an accident. Maybe I could set up a scarecrow and put the person's name, while the person is sleeping on the front lawn, overnight. I'll spray can it to create visible letters that says "Bird watcher". Those are the funny and sometimes nasty things I can think about doing, but it's better that I don't act on those feelings. Likewise, it was hard for me to see this with my texting because I take pride of keeping my cool in check. If the person is offended, then it's like I pulled a dirty prank on him or her already. I should definitely call texting someone while I'm mad at them one of my nasty tools that I should never take out from the toolbox of explosives.

Moving Forward

This one girl who I was attracted to physically and then the next girl and the next. All of those young women are a part of my memory, but it isn't really that significant enough to feel bothered about. I think my personality also gets me to linger about things longer than I should. It's like I'm missing out on something. I've actually developed an obsession to solve personal problems that I'm interested in dealing with. It could even be the smallest thing.

I'm actually seen as a nice guy, but I sometimes throw some things out there that gets people thinking I was out of line. I now understand why some people don't really want to be friends with me. It really doesn't quite matter so much anymore because I prefer being friends with those who are interested with me and also Jesus is the ultimate friend for me who will always be around because of my faith. I'm starting to see that perhaps lingering on some things dealing with people might not really be that important to worry about anyway. To be the greatest it takes a lot of work anyway and only a few will ever achieve it, while the rest pretty much get to struggle with their daily affairs. Even though the person might be great at that area, working to balance his or life might be some more work. Life is like a constant battle. It's an ongoing fight to be the very best you can be.

Learning About Personal Weaknesses

A good thing that I've acquired from the past is a sense of humor. Every once in awhile, I like to naturally bring up something to myself that didn't turn out to what I wanted. I could have done it differently now that I think about it, and it's something that just puts a smile on my face. It's a little uncomfortable, but I want to face these types of insecure thoughts and grow from them as a person.

One of the biggest things I've learned about myself is from making this one guy I know flip out. I actually like him as a friend, and I'm saying that not in a marriage-type of feeling way but more like I can see him as a buddy. I learned that I get annoyed sometimes and then just start attacking people that I'm annoyed at with text messages. It could sometimes even be like a build-up from something that happened in the past.

It definitely made me more aware of the person I am. I have also been constantly making an effort to improve myself mentally, physically, and emotionally. I keep my emotions in check even when I'm annoyed at people. It's got to the point where I can seriously elaborate on topics while thinking fairly cleanly while I'm still mad about something. Maybe it's a good thing after all to shy away from unnecessary battles and just leave it alone, even when I'm feeling annoyed about something.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Trying To Be Helpful

I think it really comes down to what makes someone happy and how he or she likes to tick. No matter what mistakes were done from stupid things, it's a great thing to think with a sound mind again and move forward. Just try not to repeat the same mistake again by not forgetting about it and understand the lesson that you get out of it. It's just important to not lose heart with having to backtrack or work even harder to work around those mistakes and get something happening.

I really can't testify enough about how developing a relationship with the true and living God through His Son Jesus is wonderful. Yeah, all of this stuff makes sense to me even if it's boring. It's like I'm in some zone of thought and it's entertaining to me.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Current Best Trade

For the demo account I'm running, so far I've had this currency pair run for almost a week and it has continued to make me a nice gain. I'm once again updating my trading style and experimenting with different ideas. Like always, I feel satisfied with I have going.

It looks like this time I'm trading currencies based on determining if the price is at a current high or low level along with relying on an indicator to give me a signal. I also don't want to trade too low or high when I have a good signal, so I'm also relying on that as well.

By trying to do all this, it's limiting my trading aggression and forcing me to sort out and pick only the best trades that I think I can profit off of. I'm basically just having fun with this, nothing really much to go off of, but just that. Once I'm able to start generating profit consistently, I will be ready to attempt this with real money and try different ideas of maximizing my profit taking which will be the fun part.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Staying Busy

I don't really see myself playing around with video games and watching T.V. so much anymore. I think I'm developing a preference for hanging out with people more often than just being a homebody.

On top of that, I see it as being very beneficial with working out everyday and conducting personal hygiene. I'm just trying to be smart these days. Well, the trading currency part is still something I'm working at. I think I can live with making what I'm currently doing for my day job as a career.

In the meantime, I'll just continue to build confidence and see if I can find an opportunity somewhere while just persisting.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Becoming More Serious

Well, I do owe about $13,000 for educational loans still. I have a car that I need to make monthly payments with still. It would be really nice to be relieved of any strenuous obligations for housing and transportation. I guess it makes sense then to just work hard and try flirting with some available and single Christian women I would like to get to know - haha.

The current job place that I'm working at is something I can see myself turning it into a living now. Even though I have a degree in Computer Science, I think I can still do something else. If this is where God has allowed me to get to, then I might as well benefit from it and use the experience to enrich myself wholesomely. I still use a little bit of my college background on my other interests anyway.

Last night, I ended up watching a re-run of a basketball game and knew my teams were going to lose ahead of time. I also ended up checking up on the storyline of a T.V. show by reading its Wiki site. Today in the morning after reading the Bible, I skipped my work out and ended up playing Bloons TD5 which is pretty fun and quite easy to play.

Pretty much I let my mind wander a little off-course from my ideal lifestyle again by letting fun distractions get to me. I don't really want to continue going that route when I have some bigger plans that I would like to attend to. I've really seen how my day starts right after reading the Bible. I probably get like 10% out of the ten chapters I'm reading, but that little bit is inspiring to me because I truly want to honor the Lord and love Jesus with all my heart, might, and soul. I need about two more weeks to finish the New Testament and then after that, it's starting all over again. I still have quite a ways to go with the Old Testament. I'll just keep reading and reviewing and trying to retain whenever and whatever I can comprehend in the Bible.

I can also see myself capitalizing on the side with developing my programming skills and creativity while keeping this full-time career and also managing to work out enough to get some muscles and a six-pack, while also getting married to start a family with a beautiful Christian woman. I'm really going to start looking into it with this whole programming thing and just go after whatever interests me while not currently caring about the quality. I'll fix it as it goes and just deal with the cheesiness. To summarize, instead of playing games and poker, I'm going to let myself be immersed with learning how to program and make something that I could eventually sell with no problem! It makes a whole lot of sense because I can do this at my own time, and it fits my personality. I'll just put aside my fun longings like space travel and surviving in the wild naked and afraid for now and work at developing wealth, a six-pack, and Christian wife (wherever Jesus leads me on this one, even if I'm supposed to stay single).

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Veteran's Day

Currently I'm still making some progress with this long-term and aggressive trading style. What I like about it is that most of the trades are running for days without getting stopped out. If the signals end up being a bad one, then I can just get out of it instead of just watching the charts and hoping it turns around.

Today, I ended up just messing around with playing the piano and thinking about if I could handle everything about marrying someone I am actually comfortable with dating and physically attracted to. I think it really comes down to if she's happy being with me or not. If she genuinely is and I feel the same way for her, then this mutual interest of being happy for making the other happy would be wonderful! It then becomes like having any physical infirmities instead of being the traditionally big and strong looking guy wouldn't really matter so much then. It's nice to be those things of course, but love conquers all and that's what really matters in the end.

Being in a happy relationship is really about being selfless in both directions. I'm starting to see that now.