Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Funny Being Sad

I sometimes get these sad and sorrowful feelings from being around taller people. I just turn shy and keep to myself. I smile a lot on the outside though and try to look presentable and nice. This is why it's pretty funny!

I'm not really that attracted to taller women though because it makes me feel annoyed being shorter than her. Sometimes, I wish that things could work out and she would be a Christian and turn into a very cool wife. Well, there are shorter women out there and some of them are crazy enough to go along for the ride with just about anybody nice. It's probably easy for some guys to take advantage of them though, which is unfair and could cause some problems for me too in the long run.

Maybe learning to set aside my annoyances and trying to settle down with a taller, attractive, and more stable Christian woman might be better for me after all. Even if people think we are strange or humans to avoid making friends with, I guess if we have God in our lives then we can't really lose anyway!

I think the biggest thing I need to work on is being sure of myself. I don't think potential girlfriends want to be with a short man, no matter how sexy he is, if he's always anxious about stuff and can't handle his personal matters that well with some form of elegance.

After all, this is the reason why I'm working at becoming a millionaire and having a six pack. On top of being at the peak of my game, it would introduce a lot of benefits and also allow me to compete with other guys who are just naturally gifted at finding the woman they want. Well, if those guys do then it's a good thing and hats off to them. I'm not going to be jealous about that because some marriages end up disastrous anyway. I hope it becomes like something where I like this one girl so much and enamored about everything with her and she falls in love too and that other guys would not be so interested in her. It could seriously take awhile.