Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Next Step

The next step for me is to pretty much write about all the topics that interest me. I think I have hit enough wide topics that might get a few visitors on each of those sites, if I decide to just pack it with useful information and make it easy on the eyes. I could then just make money with advertisements.

I find that I'm drawn to a lot of those Top 20 articles when it comes to just reading about celebrities. It's fun and sometimes entertaining to read about what movies they were in and to not be really attracted to them as I originally thought they were. It's just fun for me to read, so maybe I could do something like that in my own website.

Of course, it's going to take some money, but I think writing about my personal interests at such an eclectic proportion will be beneficial for me because I would be making some sort of contribution for others on the web. Also, it might wear me out to go send out offensive messages to people, even though I know they are filled with bullocks now. It all comes down to understanding the person, which is hard when you are filled with any type of emotion. Basically, you need to think on your feet and have a thick skin about a lot of stuff because most humans in general are basically stupid!