Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Decent Plans With Consistency

I'm really going to stick to my current job for as long as possible. I'm going to keep at it for a life-time and become a master at it, while gaining little knowledge at a time on other workings of the business I'm in. I'm really lucky in that I actually have a job that can pay well and that I don't really need to obtain a Master's or Ph. D. anymore. 

The only thing I really feel shy about is finding a girlfriend. It sort of makes me feel a little sad to see other people paired up and displaying a light form of public affection, but that's the funny part for me. Now I'm understanding and better equipped with how certain people want to interact with me, and they are filled with a lot of surprises. It's part of being human and that's what it is all about. 

I'm constantly talking about the Bible with my high school, Catholic buddy and whatever I learn from church. I guess it's my way of trying to pass on God's Word to someone. Along with that I'm looking to maintain my hair through a little bit of research and keep it from all falling out now. Yeah, I'm putting on a little Rogaine each day after I apply some natural ingredients to my head that are known to rejuvenate hair and get it thicker again. 

I'm going to work out everyday like twice whenever I can. Once in the morning with the basic push-up, sit-up, and run. After work, I'm going to hit the gym again to do some weight training. I'm not looking to kill myself, but just get progressively stronger to the point that I have a six-pack and can do one-handed pull-ups easily! Well, I do want to be very good at rock-climbing so that's what it's going to take for me, which is getting in really good shape with my whole body. 

On top of working out to try to get in top shape, I might as well become tactically skilled as well in survival, so that includes doing archery and bowling strikes all the time. I'm going to try to stretch my way to getting a little taller too. Who cares, if nobody believes it works. I just don't care. I'll be a flexible short person for all I care. 

It reminds me, I should take up cooking on some healthy and delicious meals too. I just need to manage my time better to get to this pretty balanced life that I have in mind. Last, but not least, I'm going to make millions of dollars someday and do an unassisted back-flip!