Thursday, December 17, 2015

Complaining Through Prayer

Obviously, it would be great for all of us to always have a thick skin about everything but it's nearly impossible to have that state of stoic mind. I've seen first hand though that using the thick skin does help me to organize my thoughts better and also it doesn't make me feel so bad about expressing my passion with others when we are in a heated moment. From listening to the radio yesterday, it says that everyone doesn't have a right to complain if he or she doesn't pray to God about it. I'm praying to God and telling Him that I don't care about the situations and that I'm going to surprise their flesh and make them feel knocked down.

In a sense, it's just the flesh we are dealing with and the hard work that I'm putting forth is pointing out the stupidity of the person who is having a beef with me. I'm going to pray a lot more while putting on my thinking skills and the thick skin on the fly, which are going to be my main tools for getting people to let go of their flesh. By putting all my undivided attention on the person and hard work with this whole neglecting of personal feelings, I'm going to be like a master at work. It doesn't matter what I put down here and how people prepare for it. I was made for this type of situation and just from praying to God about it, it makes things more legit for me to push it even with escalating force.

I am after all a self-seeking peacemaker when the need calls for it. That's the easy part and cheap thrills, but I don't really care. The only up-side I see to it is that I could have potential to be fair with refereeing both sides that I don't have any conflict of interest with. A third-party with no ties and is equally interested in both people's cases. If I could be that third-party person for a group of two people, while I master my self-seeking peacemaking skills, then it would be awesome!