Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Missed Last Days

I guess I have been keeping myself busy. Let's see what I really want to do. I don't really want to just sit there and watch a lot of T.V. It wouldn't be that good for me. I do want to continue to work out, so I'm now going to add in a little bit of cooking and trying to attempt to make some healthy and delicious foods.

I have like ten books on cooking and recipes and never attempted to make any of those foods. I've probably tried reading through them at least once and that was it. I think it's a waste keeping those books in my shelf, and I did keep it there for a reason along with some of my hacking books.

My bookshelf is pretty much books about God, hacking, and cooking healthy and delicious food! For the longest time, I had this problem with sitting there and stressing out about stuff. It was really hard for me to stay relaxed and concentrate. I just wasn't sure of myself and had so much anxiety. I don't know how all of that fell out of me. Maybe, it's because I turned more dumb or something. I didn't do it through drinking nor drugs because that would have probably made things worse for me.

Hmm, I guess my dumb state of mind is something I could take advantage of by studying hard again. Oh yeah, I did get a couple 100% grades on my grad school courses. I think that was a major confidence booster. I haven't gone back to grad school after that because I'm onto something with learning to trade and dedicating myself to this cool job while working out and trying to get a very hot Christian wife.