Sunday, February 28, 2021

Art of Not Caring About Bad Things in the Past

The art of not caring about bad things in the past is that there is one and how it's going to be so hard to apply because the mind, body, and feelings don't want to always coordinate together. It's like the conscience wants to take over the mouth and then the person starts shouting out obscenities at another person! Then, the person ends up feeling bad about it later on. It's a cycle that I have observed over and over again with a couple individuals. I think they seriously need to go see a therapist!

I'm glad the individuals I just described aren't how I behave anymore. I think it's more of just a dedication and from being a guy, it's a lot easier to stay focused on something else besides something that just already happened and didn't feel so great. I simply just don't care anymore about what people did to me. It still makes me feel a little angry, but I just don't care anymore. 

It's really just that simple. You just stop caring about it. I don't really care that I was a numbskull over some incidents and how I already messed up relationships with a couple girls who I find to be so hot now. I just don't care about the past so much anymore. I don't even care if people want to stop being friends with me now! 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Finding Acceptance for My Personality

I think I finally figured out how to accept the wrongs that happened to me in the past. The only reason why it took me so long is because I didn't want to find any fault with the people who used to be my friends. They had it so wrong, and it also felt that way all along so it caused problems because I didn't want to put any fault on their behaviors.

Because of this and their scheming behaviors from having got lost with themselves, others joined in and did wrong to me also. It's all based on the heart, and from being a trusting person, it was hard to accept my former friends would try to defame me from having anger issues about something that didn't have any relation to them. 

It's sort of like playing a game of Mafia and picking out who is the culprit. It's pretty hard if the person not revealing him or herself to be a mobster does it so well. I only made my former friends look this way because I didn't want to blast them away from not being able to contain my anger anymore. It was really one of my flaws in this whole long term situation that I put on myself. 

I'm just happy that I finally found my way, but there's probably people out there who have it worse and might never recover. It goes to show how people can just be so faulty in general. 

Basically, what makes it so much easier on me is realizing that their hearts sinned against me. Also, I truly don't care what they did to me and it was always like that. I was just going crazy from juggling thoughts inside my head without knowing what went wrong the whole time. This all came in time because thankfully I have enough brain cells to figure it out. The hard part will be what if I have something that I can't find the answer to and it bugs me more than something silly others used to do to me. If this happens, then I'll probably be seeking for a good therapist while turning a lot more to prayer while trying to search the Scriptures. 

I'm just lucky for having finally made it with realizing this much by myself while things are going really well for me now. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

Accepting Past Failures With People

First off, people are people and it's something you just have to accept. It doesn't matter that they were playing church and dressing up while making themselves look all holy. It was just an act all along for them. To conclude right away with this matter, I'm okay with accepting how it all is now while revisiting my crazy and stupid past! 

The way I see it now with these people is that it deals with what goes on in the person's heart. I was wrestling with myself the whole time with wanting to be a nice person while being happy about just having peaceful and fun relationships with everyone. It didn't have to involve getting married since a few guys were involved also. They weren't having it because something sinful was going on underneath their hearts. By their sin that kept on accumulating against me, they were just being selfish. 

They were also putting on some annoying act that felt like they were saying they are better than me as an individual. This really angered me a lot since they came across as so rude while becoming verbally abusive with me. It's pretty funny to laugh at me and it's only natural. I don't really care to be honest, so I'll keep going.

The plan is to just tell them I want to be cool with them and don't really care in general what goes wrong inside their mind and hearts sometimes. If they just don't like me in general or feel they can't handle me from not being worthy enough, then I want to hear them say it out loud because I don't care in the first place and am ready to accept that and move on with my life.

The last time resulted in a restraining order from Crazy Lee. Oh well, but she ended up losing by default in the end. Her case was dismissed with prejudice. It will be the same with any of them too because I seriously don't care to begin with and they are not some hot celebrity to go chasing around. They aren't the best the world has to offer to begin with! I already have a good life to enjoy. 

This is just how I function as a unique person. I'm nice and want to be friendly to these past rude people because I simply don't care what they did. If they don't like me then let's just hear it from their mouths besides trying to dodge the question and waste their time putting a restraining order on me!   

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Putting in Effort to Manage Time

I think it's really straight forward and makes a lot of sense now unless there's something wrong going on with the person. It isn't my business to figure out issues like that but didn't hurt to put myself through some pains to find a resolution to them. 

My foundation to succeeding at a lot of these things is pretty much self-confidence and positivity, while being painstakingly committed to the details and deliberating on the right actions. It does take some visualization skills with getting to the solution of something. It might also be a lot of intuition. 

The way I see it now is that I want to build my wealth through passive income and instant opportunities. This lines up with my mentality to invest in stocks and trade currencies. I'm also dabbling on recreational and online fast poker which is a style where if you fold then you get moved into another table and start a new hand right away. It's almost instantaneous and the provider I use lets you play on two of them at the same time for twice the risk. 

Basically, the main detail here is that even if I feel pained to do something important on my list, I should just get it done because it's a priority that beats all my lesser and fun activities.  

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Height Doesn't Matter Only if

Height doesn't matter only if you are a successful and nice man! This is of course subjected to personal opinion of what defines success. There's some examples of famous and rich rappers who are really short and have dated some beautiful women while having kids. There's even a short actor about my height who is married to a beautiful woman who towers over him. He's a millionaire and genuinely comes across as a good guy, so he's smart with how he plays his cards. 

Besides being friends with good ladies and having something fun going on with them, I think it's only a good start with realizing and accepting this whole height issue can be overcome with doing something that you are passionate about and do well at. The attitude and upbringing is likely to play a role but it's so unique to be genuinely a successful and nice guy! 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Talking to Taller Ladies

I just plain don't care anymore now and if they aren't in the mood for whatever reason, then I don't really care about taking it personal either. It's not so hard to keep moving on for me anymore.

I'm starting to notice the whole emotion of asking a girl out and then getting her to be in a relationship with me. It's just from having the guts to ask and the thought of getting rejected doesn't even phase me anymore either. It's just straight-forward quite literally and there's no smoke and mirrors attached to it. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Finding the Right Partner Strategy

It seems like all this time I've been holding back on my lusts with attractive lady friends. I'm really glad that I managed to get around this and get myself to a steady and happy emotional state. It's really helped from just thinking positive and committing myself to some goals. One of my hardest activities for me is trail running 8.5 miles every Saturday. This is the only time I do long distance running, but I have been steady without improving that much. Okay, maybe I noticed a few techniques I could use for myself to shave off some minutes and not be so tired after coming back home. It's something new that I'm calling it momentum running in private. 

With these lady friends, even though they could sound a little flirtatious with me sometimes or inadvertently tempt me a bit, I think they are too off for me to want an intimate relationship with them. They are instead good friends. There's one lady who I had a fallout with and I thought it was fun to hang out with her. I was considering getting her to be in a serious relationship with me, but she's too impulsive for me and continues to get unresolved anger issues from being short-tempered. I think we're just not seeing each other anymore. 

I'm starting to notice that height doesn't matter even though there are plenty of girls who go date shopping for tall, successful, and smart men who are mutually attracted to them. This isn't just one way, even if it may be the most convenient to casually find an attractive dating partner. The personality also counts a lot for long term relationships, and this is what I'm weighing the most with girls I'm physically attracted to. I don't think she has to be a physically, flawless beauty anymore for me to be happy about proposing to her. There's just no such thing but they are better to admire for me than good looking guys. There's a few guys out there though who I think are charming, well-deserving, and good people to be with a hottie! I don't have any problems with not trying to prevent a good connection out of jealousy; hopefully, things will work out for them in the end. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Managing Time Better

I'm starting to think that the best way is to get important tasks started on and out of the way first before enjoying the little things. I have a few lists that I have been maintaining, and they have been working out for me. It's pretty amazing how an idiot's guide to managing time has been effective for me.

Basically to make better use of my time, it's really just committing to the most important activities first no matter how bad it feels and get it out of my way. This just makes the most logical sense in general. 

The hard part is trying to maintain this daily, and I guess if managing things becomes so bad that it leads you into some calamity and depression, then that's a good starting point to go see a therapist!  At first, this probably never really crossed my mind because I was always seeking for answers and never had any problems with staying motivated to do well in life. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Putting in the Time

It's starting to get a lot easier for me to understand the gist of how things should be done for obtaining an intended purpose. I think I'm fortunate in that I feel like a happy person for the most part and enjoy always being a nice person, even though I have faltered on occasions. I'm still learning and wish to be chill for the most part and realize that the bigger picture is fixating on your happy goals. 

My biggest goal is pretty unique in that I'm looking to become a millionaire with six pack abs. I have been keeping up with burning calories and also investing my money, so slowly but surely I'm on my way. It also helps that I'm starting to pick up a good amount of profit. 

I think it's really about playing a game of seeking and then making a move of putting yourself at an advantageous position. Then, you just leave the rest up to fate and sometimes you win and other times you won't. The important thing is to be able to analyze that your chances of winning at that position are greater and desirable compared to the opposition. Any financial market is really just a competition of giving and taking money with established rules for both buyers and sellers. If you time it right, then you can earn a fortune. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

No Doubt

There's pretty much no doubt in my mind that I will find a beautiful lady to be with someday and that she will marry me. I have the confidence to do it and already open about a lot of things like I'm not the jealous type at all, but probably would get sad instead and then try to step up my game consistently.  

I would like to be with a normal girl who doesn't have too many mental issues going on inside her. It's like they were so hot when I first met them and was thinking about being in a relationship with one of them, but then one by one we naturally friend-zoned each other. Afterwards, their flaws started popping up all over the place and then it was like man, I'm so glad we're not together. Still, I love them all for being my lady friends!

Currently, I'm interested in a coworker, a really good friend who recently filed for divorce, and two more of them. Aside from the coworker, the others came from using the Meetup app and they are all super cool and pretty hot. 

I'm only interested in all of them and ready to accept it if they become taken. Being interested and in a serious relationship are two different things and also something I can stay happy with myself about. I'm totally ready to become another girl's boyfriend and then later husband. Overall, I'm not sweating the details so much and expect to have a lot of fun with it. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Staying Focused

I think currently the best course of action for me is to just keep at it with making money, saving up, and then investing it wisely. My main focus now is to build up my wealth and have a pretty good time while at it. I'm not really so caring about my personal relationship status going the way that I would like it to anymore.

I'm going to stick with socializing besides trying an online dating site or agency. I'll stick to meeting new people on the Meetup site and having fun hanging out with different social gatherings. My confidence has really sky-rocketed after all, so it feels great that I can feel like breathing now.

I don't care about having lost contact with people either now. It is what it is and also with communicating the way I want to with a few bumbling misfits I have quarrels with. It's probably not so much of an issue now with how there are better things to go after and that hanging on to those things could probably hold you back. 

Again, from the last post, there's a difference between how you would like things versus how things actually turn out. I think it's better to just accept how the chips fell in place and go on living your life after letting something bad go. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Interest vs. Accepted Reality

I have now found a much more calmer direction with loving life. It seems like all I can do right now is just focus on the main task at hand even though there are some side goals that I would love to accomplish. For the most part, I have been very interested in forming a serious and romantic relationship with a new coworker this year. It's just that the timing just doesn't feel right for me to try pursuing after her. I really want to move out of my parents' house and have plenty of money to support myself first before trying something like that since my parents have a large influence on me right now, and they are going to disagree on the basis that we aren't the same ethnicity. 

The only accepted way of getting married sooner would be just naturally meeting or getting set up with a nice lady of the same ethnicity and forming a happy and romantic relationship. I'm not so worried too much about appearances anymore but would like to focus more on their attitude and manners. I think the girls who are great at that already come hot to me anyway! 

Basically, my coworker is just another girl who I'm very attracted to and interested in. If I already had the money and was well-off on my own, I would have tried asking her out by now. I still think that if she gets taken later on or runs off to another direction, I won't lose any interest in her but stay respectful. I'm not going to have any regrets regardless so I think I'll be fine with how I'm currently handling things. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Laying Off of Less Satisfying and Time Consuming Tasks

From the book on managing time I have been reading, the author recommends focusing on one task at a time to complete something besides just going all over the place while multitasking. The job of multitasking is supposed to be left to a computer.  

Yet, I find myself able to easily fixate my time on watching anime episodes or some things that come out on TV. It sometimes doesn't feel at all flattering to keep engaging in, but I just do it anyway because I'm hooked. I guess this is where I have to learn to draw the line with how much I'm exposing myself to useless things that have been made so well because of the collective effort from a talented team! 

I think my personal makeup also deals with how I sometimes can mislead myself and watch something that I regret having wasted my time over. This is what I really want to fix seriously. I'm just going to have to be proactive about it with recognizing this and then applying self-discipline. That's really all there is to it while putting in the effort consistently. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Following Productive Routine

I'm starting to use To-Do lists rather effectively and getting the biggest things out of the way first. I still would like to finish everything if I could but what seems to do me in is after reading a chapter. Ideally, I would love to have the energy to read multiple books every night. However, I like to fall asleep right after reading for a short time at night. 

For the most part, I'm getting my side businesses out of the way. I think my aspirations for picking up on more programming knowledge will have to be placed indefinitely on hold since I'm working demanding hours already at my company. It's cool that I'm making profit from doing my own thing online in a discreet and legal fashion with no hassle to go with it. It's all based on skill and managing financial risks. I've learned to handle it without letting the better or worse days get to me so much. It's been all about keeping up consistently and that's what I have been doing great at so far. I'm still pretty new to my business style, but what's exciting is that it's been working so far! 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day

This is an interesting day in that I've become friends with a nice lady who wants to set me up with one of her young and single lady friends! I'm supposed to fly out close to New York to avoid the hassle of being quarantined after arriving at the airport. I'll be driving her around all over most likely since she never needed a license to conveniently get around. She didn't like the road rage that some drivers let out, while I was hanging out with her on a late evening. 

My new pal is originally from New York City and is in love with everything about that place. She came to pursue her nice career here and has been struggling so far while not having found the love of her life to be with yet. Her dating woes are so bad that she admits to seeing a therapist to help her move on.

She's a really nice lady in general and even has that New Yorker accent, which I find to be a little overwhelming sometimes. I thought she was from out of the country originally, but let's see how it goes with this girl she wants to introduce me to. On paper, it seems like we can already hit it off from having common interests and also seeking to settle down with someone to like start a family and do all of those wonderful things. On paper and based on all these personality tests I've taken, I've been assessed to be someone who is meant to be in a serious relationship! 

Also by transitioning with being in a relationship with this cute girl, my parents will go wild for her since she's really smart based on her credentials and also their full ethnicity. I totally dig with what she's doing for a living, but I don't want to reveal what it is right now. I really don't mind being the sole breadwinner either, especially if I can get these investment portfolios in good order and build up my wealth.

Right now, I'm really attracted to a coworker of different ethnicity as well and want to try working things out for a really loving and serious relationship if I could. It's just that the barrier to entry is that I don't have enough wealth to do whatever I want and this is something I want to focus on doing right now. I guess the timing as a result would be bad for me.

In addition, it's possible that she could be already taken even though some signs have pointed that she's probably single and might be interested in me as well. I think it would be really fun and exciting naturally to just go for it with this girl and see what happens. It's just that I'm not really that type of person and would have to leave my current position at work. In order to make all these smooth transitions and make it easier for everybody since I like to think that far ahead, I have to become wealthy first so I can enjoy my life with no more distractions from my parents. 

I've also made the conclusion that liking someone versus being in a relationship are two different things and since there are already few more ladies I'm interested at the same time with my coworker, I would just have to settle with only one to become fully satisfied anyway. Therefore, it makes sense to see how things would go with this lady from New York City. This is also exciting for me and I'm supposed to be hanging out and doing something with her today. I'm writing this post a couple months ahead. I'll be writing more about it as things develop. 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Starting Fresh

In a way with life has been treating me, I believe that a lot of situations were controlled by my mood or attitude. Fortunately, I've become a better and more understanding person from willing to take the time to figure some things out and also work with people. I'm not really a quitter either and get a ton of satisfaction from figuring out complicated things.

Recently, I finally put it together with what my thoughts were wrestling about in the past with how people wronged me. They really did, but it's not over anything that serious because it doesn't really affect me that badly. Yet, I took offense over it at the time for what seemed like no good reason. I didn't know what was going while those perpetrators that I wanted to discuss it with were trying to hide their selfishness naturally with me by placing their anger issues and blame on me. It really sucked and I could have yelled my heart out like a drill sergeant and got them to do something silly for me before I left them hanging or they moved on to forget about the crazy, funny, and silly experience.  

I just couldn't let it go for some reason by acting stupid and just going off all random while getting hyper-emotional and then all jumpy. I didn't know what was really bothering me about them. It just dawned on me and it was something related to being spiritual. What they did was a sin and you'll never believe what it was. It was from how their hearts reacted to me by asking them to add me on Facebook. I couldn't discuss this with them and didn't know what it was at the time, but now that I know, I can seriously forgive them for all the mess I put them through in the first place! I no longer feel so restless about it anymore. This is all I needed conviction because it's such a weird sin to begin with and not found anywhere in the Bible. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Keeping Up With Personal Schedule

I'm starting to realize that ever since I picked up that book on managing time for idiots, my life has been feeling a lot more efficient. On top of this, what's been added on to it is this newfound and never ending reign of self-confidence. It's an amazing feeling to have finally established for myself. I am a lot happier than before despite being a shorter person than I would like to be. I'm trying to do something about it though, but not wailing so much about it anymore. If the girl doesn't want me because I'm too short for her or she feels too tall for me, then we might not be meant for each other. 

I'm starting to accept these hits and misses now. I don't really want to induce additional stress with the wrong person anymore. Maybe they just aren't going through a good time right now and having difficulty coping with something about me and just dislike it. I could try to persuade them to do something for me but it might not be in great taste unless I have a strong belief in something about it. 

I basically don't mind being transparent anymore, but with this one girl who was mad at me and told me to move on from her, I didn't have the heart to tell her what I think is wrong about her. I did hint at her to go see a therapist by texting her that she should find another girl to talk to who happens to be a pro at this kind of stuff. She ended up brushing it off and telling me to stop analyzing her. She's pretty weird and impulsive to me, so I guess it's better to not think of her as a compatible partner anymore.

Honestly, if I end up marrying one of these girls, then I'll be putting the moves on her nonstop since I'll stay committed. In an ideal fashion, I want to find the right girl who I think is right to marry and not have to deal with this ever if possible. She revealed her flaws and they were a little too much for me, and she even wants to space out from others for a while and I totally understand while wanting to respect it! It's interesting how this fell apart even though we never became a couple, but I'm sure it could have led to something if we continued and she never acted this way with me. 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Improving on Action

I'm noticing that I'm having trouble with finishing off the last touches of my daily tasks. It's neat that I'm zoning into them on a daily basis and becoming more efficient about finishing it all like a robot. I still feel pretty excited and fulfilled about getting it done though. 

The biggest setback I'm having is that I fall asleep during the last hour, so my body just naturally gives out. I guess there's really nothing I can do about it, but to accept this is how my body biologically wants to run its course. 

This would just mean that I should be putting my more important goals ahead of lesser ones than so that I would feel more accomplished each night. I think I'm just giving up personal play time in exchange for doing something that feels more right to do for my own time. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Realizing Something

It looks like I'm really doing my own thing and not gaining the favor of others for the most part. I seem to be about exercising at will what I feel like doing for fun. Some people won't like it for whatever reason they are going through, just like how there will always be those negative folks who like to hit the thumbs down button on popular videos sometimes.

What I'm noticing is that I don't get those high amounts of likes because there's already so many good things out there and with how I'm not even engaging in popular things to begin with. I don't really have that big of a status either and not commanding much respect, since I'm not really making myself a part of that status quo. 

It looks like I'm really on my own with the world and there will be heads who look in my direction and then not react at all, while getting the normally crazy people who thought I was nice to look up to getting impulsive in a bad way and then try to shut me out. They sometimes aren't in a good place, and it's impossible for me to reach out to all of them even though I would love to. 

Yet, I've found happiness and made peace in light of what I'm trying to do for myself. I also have the traditional Christian faith going for me, but my thinking has been getting much more laid back about all those spiritual things people find themselves going through lately. I don't feel like it's my place to be there, and it's possibly because my heart is still restless being there so maybe it's not where God naturally wants me to be. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Accepting How Things Are

I'm suddenly starting to keep myself in a good state of mind and having better control over managing my personal feelings and uncomfortable situations at any given moment. It was different before, but now I'm understanding why some individuals behave the way they do. I was on the mean end of relationships as well, even though I was probably never that abusive as bad as it can get. I've always had a sensitive side of wondering if I'm doing too much and worrying over getting rejected by someone. It's just my natural makeup. 

Therefore, I prefer to not be mean as possible, but in certain situations, I'm starting to notice that behaving in that manner is like just playing a game and could be entertaining. I'm starting to be capable of dissociating from stressful triggers and carrying myself the way I want to. I don't really regret getting carried away a lot of times I have in the past, as well. 

There are still a few stupid things I have done that I totally regret for having ever attempted or thought about in the first place. I guess those moments are where I have to start laughing at myself and try to watch out for that oddity next time since I still remember it. They can sometimes creep up to me like a haunted memory, and I'm sure this is what normal people might have some trouble dealing with.

I seem to be good at bringing some unstable individuals who thought I was their friend into that uncomfortable spot. I think they aren't at the right place and sometimes, you just can't resume a relationship with them. I'm starting to take on this view to find acceptance for myself with how things have been. 

I also see that there are things to feel confident over trying now. There's really no one that's going to stop me, and the way I have been able to argue with others and also boast about enviable accomplishments have dramatically improved as well over the years. 

Monday, February 8, 2021

Letting Things Come Together

I think it gets really easy to start doing things once you realize your potential and limitations while keeping a positive disposition. It's easier said than done, but mainly, there needs to be patience involved and sometimes you just can't do too much than you would like because it's just humanly impossible. 

Maybe it's just my personality and coming from being able to recognize these things naturally. Writing things down while the subject is about myself is really dwelling a lot on intra-intelligence and believe me, this activity has really been useful for me. I'm also quite the extrovert, so it makes sense for me to feel some sort of fix with expressing myself online even though this is probably less disruptive. I just like being nice in general whenever I can, so it feels like a good trade-off even though I go off tangent and like to make fun of people from time to time. 

Basically, the past is what it is dealing with Crazy Lee and her goons that followed her bidding to much failure and disappointment. She led a group that ended up nowhere dealing with me, who was a sleepy force of nature and being such a baby about it at the same time! 

I'm just so happy to have finally gained the confidence that I always wanted to instill as part of myself. I'm totally self-motivated while knowing my limits and satisfied with playing it safe and taking longer to get to my intended destinations. 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Keeping It Up

I'm starting to get in the habit with finishing everything on my To-Do list pretty thoroughly. I have been testing out an idea of not overwhelming myself with listed tasks and then do whatever I feel like at the end of the day, which has been watching anime episodes so far.

It's becoming so much more manageable and I'm noticing the benefits of being more efficient. I'm carrying myself with better stride and all of this is turning out to be genuinely helpful for my case. I'm feeling so stable and happy underneath my interesting exterior. I'm basically a short guy with a few manly features and feeling so confident about himself while starting to make money on his own from making proper investments. It's so cool and what I've always wanted! I want to keep this wealth building process going, and I'm just blessed to have found the right sources to guide me through it. 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Main Plan

I think the biggest plan of my life is pretty much building wealth and then moving out while giving myself room to find the right lady to marry. I'm currently interested in a few ladies but I don't know each of their full status except for one of them, who I am a lot closer to. 

There's an interesting development that has happened in becoming friends with a lady who wants to play matchmaker with another friend. She saw a connection with us two, and I'm totally interested in seeing where this development will lead to. Another reason is that we share common interests and she is the same ethnicity as me, so I'm definitely interested in at least hanging out with her for the time being. I'm also open to the idea of probably settling down with her. This will definitely go so well with my parents too because I'm still living under their roof. If God wills this, then I will accept it for the rest of my life. 

If not, then I still have this major goal of making myself rich from investing and trading properly occuring. I'm not worried about having children as soon as possible because I figure that I will be rich enough to hire some good help by the time I'm ready. I also don't mind adopting a good child that I take interest in, if my future spouse is okay with it. Overall, age and accomplishing something by a certain time aren't really a factor so I'm moving along just fine! 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Becoming Advanced at Finishing Tasks

Something that I'm starting to realize that's making things so well for me is finishing up all the tasks you have in mind with doing and then playing by doing something with the remainder of your day. I think I'm over my worries with not being able to finish my daily To-Do list on time and just think of it as being natural sometimes. You can always adjust your work schedule for anything that rises up on occasion. 

It's really great coming up with a checklist and then setting your mind to it! I think it just feels so rewarding in the end and I want to be very consistent with it. There's a lot of good things to be done in this world and to go blank sometimes, it's just unfair to do that to yourself.  

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Improving on Situation

** Begin Note 
My apologies for two days ago. I noticed that a post wasn't supposed to be on there. It's been deleted now. It was really my notes for refinancing a car. If it benefitted you because you clicked it out of curiosity then great! I'm grateful for the few readers who read that allegedly weird post with no subject.  
End Note ***

I think the biggest thing for me right now is staying consistent with my positive attitude and good work ethic. It seems like I'm doing fine with how I am and do have room to add on a girlfriend now. I don't even think being short and finding a taller girl to marry even matters to me anymore. It still sucks and does give me a slight chuckle, but it is what it is. If the girl thinks it's stupid with me being shorter than her, then she isn't the one. If she changes her mind later on and wants to be with me, but then I become taken, luck has run out on her. 

Writing has been a very powerful tool for me because this is all from my own inner being- its own intuition. It's just crazy to me how far I've come along but then again, this has been just my natural state I have developed all along. It's filled with so much positive energy and I'm grateful for the personal state I have brought myself to. It was also from picking up on some good neuroscience tips by a researcher who presented his Powerpoint for free. I'm glad that I attended his class because it started to become the turnaround point of my outlook. 

Everybody has their own way of doing things, and I just happened to find that lying around in wait for me. It's pretty cool with how things just work and connect for people. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Maintaining Schedule

It's my second day in a row that I have managed to complete everything on my daily To-Do list. This type of consistency is something that I still want to strive for, so I have barely managed to keep up with it so far along with the few distractions that got in the way yesterday. 

Seriously, the main key is to break down a time consuming goal that you have in mind into more manageable tasks. This is what allowed me to do at least something, even if it wasn't much. Yet, I feel the positive effects from having done it and I want to keep at it consistently. For now, I'm starting out with not much but over time as I get more used to being efficient, I'll be able to add on more later on besides letting things feel like they are piling up and then crumbling. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Taking Things into Consideration

It looks like I'm writing voraciously at random moments of my day whenever I get an epiphany and while I'm at my computer during normal business hours. This is pretty fun to do actually, and I wonder how my writing would really be influenced if I was in a different setting. Yet, I'm not putting myself in that position because this activity is probably more of a stress buster for me. 

It's amazing that I have caught quite a small amount of daily readers and not knowing how they are going to respond. Yet, this isn't really about offending you guys because the main topic is really all about me in a selfish manner. This is a personal blog after all and written in a style that would be like a diary, but I'm holding back on some personal secrets because I wouldn't want that to come out of nowhere and then haunt me later.

Soon enough, it's really going to be vacation time for a couple weeks and I probably won't be adding onto these posts, but I'm ahead by about 70 days right now. It's also interesting how this really takes quite a bit of concentration and discipline to let my words flow freely out of my mind. 

I guess I'm not some well-known writer and slowly building success in a quiet manner that others wouldn't really notice about me. I'm totally okay with it and happy to be in my own shoes. It really took many years to figure out where I've been heading for myself. I'm not even affected that much with people doing more than me anymore. In other words, I've reached personal contentment. 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Growing Out of It

I honestly think now that the past where a few people ticked me off over what they took personally against me is what it is. I was just dealing with a bunch of morons! I never did get in trouble with the law, even though they claimed I would get put in jail. Oh well, it's laughable now and despite having some angry feelings over it every once in a while when it gets brought up by myself, I don't really need to worry about it so much anymore.

I think I can be proud of myself that I didn't end up killing them or roughing them up so badly that I would regret it and never get out of my own desperate, mental state. I believe that those situations were meant to occur, and it's something that I'm moving on from now. I have faith that it was orchestrated by God in some way to teach me some proper values of living the way that He wants me to.