Sunday, February 28, 2021

Art of Not Caring About Bad Things in the Past

The art of not caring about bad things in the past is that there is one and how it's going to be so hard to apply because the mind, body, and feelings don't want to always coordinate together. It's like the conscience wants to take over the mouth and then the person starts shouting out obscenities at another person! Then, the person ends up feeling bad about it later on. It's a cycle that I have observed over and over again with a couple individuals. I think they seriously need to go see a therapist!

I'm glad the individuals I just described aren't how I behave anymore. I think it's more of just a dedication and from being a guy, it's a lot easier to stay focused on something else besides something that just already happened and didn't feel so great. I simply just don't care anymore about what people did to me. It still makes me feel a little angry, but I just don't care anymore. 

It's really just that simple. You just stop caring about it. I don't really care that I was a numbskull over some incidents and how I already messed up relationships with a couple girls who I find to be so hot now. I just don't care about the past so much anymore. I don't even care if people want to stop being friends with me now!