Saturday, February 20, 2021

Putting in the Time

It's starting to get a lot easier for me to understand the gist of how things should be done for obtaining an intended purpose. I think I'm fortunate in that I feel like a happy person for the most part and enjoy always being a nice person, even though I have faltered on occasions. I'm still learning and wish to be chill for the most part and realize that the bigger picture is fixating on your happy goals. 

My biggest goal is pretty unique in that I'm looking to become a millionaire with six pack abs. I have been keeping up with burning calories and also investing my money, so slowly but surely I'm on my way. It also helps that I'm starting to pick up a good amount of profit. 

I think it's really about playing a game of seeking and then making a move of putting yourself at an advantageous position. Then, you just leave the rest up to fate and sometimes you win and other times you won't. The important thing is to be able to analyze that your chances of winning at that position are greater and desirable compared to the opposition. Any financial market is really just a competition of giving and taking money with established rules for both buyers and sellers. If you time it right, then you can earn a fortune.