Friday, November 28, 2008

Persuasive Ethics

This title is something that I sort of conjured up from examining my personality. This area is something I have an issue with priding over, possibly because I've been placed in these situations of discomfort. Take for example, you write a letter then the person hates it and then continue to write letters he hates and then all of a sudden there's a restraining order, for an event outside of not intentionally writing a letter that he would hate under stress.

It could be very frustrating for a stubborn person and by natural right, I think it's fine to feel that way. If your attitude is angry but trying to hold back from hurting the individual where you make painstaking decisions with the writing of the words, but fire in some bad sentences then I think it should be given you some credit for at least trying to be yourself. The issue of the matter is then to see if it's worth going in for the gem, which is patch up the relationship. I believe that females may actually be a little sneaky with trying to push you away, but give you a chance if you did something to aggravate her by trying to be nice in a certain bad period. A good technique when around authority is to state what made you broken inside and be authentic about trying to make it right. While making this attempt, if you feel so horrible and not sure and confused, then I think compassion ensues in your area. In the battle of the wits, you can sometimes make them appear higher but I suggest not to do that because there's too much fear involved and can totally mess your direction. It's so important to never resort to violence and be apologetic only when you have to. I don't know if this is a correct way, but I'm not apologizing without an understanding because I want people to change sometimes. There's a lot of temptations involved with wanting them to suffer when you know you did not do anything wrong to them. It's important to limit these feelings and exercise the freedom of choice - love!

The issue then arising is how you are feeling at the moment. For me, I really hate these periods where people try to push you away momentarily from feeling bad about themselves. I feel like I have a burden from what I did. The issue then becomes where you want to lead the correspondence to. I usually shoot for bringing back the acquaintance to par, meaning the area I enjoyed them being in. I believe that by possessing good character, being attentive, and having honesty by assuming that you are not at fault, there's a possibility of them coming to like you. Sometimes, I do things without fully understanding people. These circumstances are rough because you want answers. If you don't get it, it's so frustrating. Even through all the negativity, if you maintain a nice personality, I think they will eventually tell you. Sometimes I act on sheer consciousness with the answer I received. The answers of what to do is sometimes a natural thing of beauty, which should be always done with true intentions of love! Even if they don't like you, I think you can sometimes captivate them with how you lead them with pure, loving intentions. It's a matter of persistence, even if they say they don't want to, it's a matter of battling wills. If you perceive that they did more wrong to you, but don't want to harm the individual, then I suggest to keep going at it.

Be discerning of when the right time to apologize happens. Don't apologize for the wrong thing! It will prevent the person from growing as a more deeper individual, and they can actually view you as a weak individual later. Be sure to maintain an understanding through all the negative emotions. You need to maintain a moral self-respect to be able to justifiably love this individual that you are not pleased with. I think it's natural to go by your desires, but always keep it ethically clean. It's fun to have fun through the process, but things can get ugly for you if you don't bring it up with them. The yelling part is something I truly abhor on both sides. I really hate being yelled at and don't like to yell, but have resorted to it under countless frustrations of hearing physical screams in my memory bank. Yelling should be avoided at all costs, but sometimes it may be done out of love and anguish. Don't do it just because you love to. Sometimes tons of fear can arise from around these people who are plainly filled with weirdness in their hot pursuit of being angry and doing stupid things to make others distrust them, it's an area that sometimes requires pure bravery and some help from God.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Pursuit of God

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone or glad that you were able to read this after the date. I'm realizing that my struggles and successes can be so easy to be consumed with that you can forget the big picture of God's salvation. Having been tested so erratically because of my former eccentric ways of being taciturn, I realize that commitment through my sufferings have been not always done in vain. It's wonderful to have better people to step up the plate, after you die to yourself and have had major battles with getting business going.

I believe there are key elements to being successful in life. However, I'm starting to learn that the result won't always be pretty and will often entail the deepest pet peeves you could ever dream of. My younger sister has told me that making friends are very easy; this implies to me you don't ever have to worry about how you come across as a person as long as you observe some natural ethics. It's quite funny that by being quiet, it's been easy for me to be overlooked and that I heard some very odd conversations about people being rude from her and roommates. Man, those sort of things really offend me. By being so mustered, I took on the role of trying to evangelize because I feel this bravery that takes over me. This sense of satisfaction from telling people that they are loved by Jesus in no matter what condition they are in. It's been tough for me to always point the good because I would often find myself upset at people's criticism and especially, if the sister starts yelling and screaming just because you said a word she did not understand! 1 Corinthians 13 of the Bible states that love is not rude and is patient. Thanks to accepting pure honesty with myself, which takes a lot of bravery to do; I think that the heart is the most important for any individual. The natural-outward appearance gets complimented through observing healthy practices, being diligent, having a wonderful personality, confidence, and giving effort.

What I'm trying to say is that it's worth suffering by limiting entertainment, doing hard work, and getting to know your innate desires. Some desires might actually be so entertaining and inspiring to give thanks to the Lord! I think as long as you trust in the Lord, you can definitely not have any fear of losing it; especially, if you try to do things for God's kingdom. I'm not saying to become a missionary and make these big changes that you are not comfortable with. I'm saying being open to making adjustments without being selfish.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Social Courage

I know that for me, I'm a really short guy and as a result I've felt very shy and discouraged about sexually advancing on women during those sinful years. For the taller guys out there, there are very nice guys who sometimes feel insecure about being just plain tall. It's pretty funny to read that this balances out for them with women being naturally attracted to them. What I am coming to realize is that almost everyone still respects me even though they might try to do harm to me.

Maybe there's this ironic tall guy's way-of-thought by associating myself with being short. A chiropractor and yes, he's a licensed practitioner informed me with aid of this machine that I should weigh in at 152 pounds with my height of 5' 3.5". That's pretty ironic with the weight being a little high. I am just 160 pounds at the moment. People are like, "That's it?" when they see me sometimes. According to National Heart and Lung Institute by using the Body Mass Index -, I am considered to be substantially overweight. My next-door neighbor asked me if I took steroids because she felt my chest was too big. When people guess my height, they usually add about an inch. I've stood on my toes and any noticeable change in chest does not really occur. I have sort of been feeling that I need to take advantage a little ever since writing. It's sort of made me feel guilty a little to write to people with no harm's way intended for them and then receive this mystical reaction of how they were just plain hurt by it. The majority of people don't seem to mind what I write.

It's probably this circumstance where you just don't want to wake up and find that your life has to suck for a little bit. So with this negativity being implied from what they may feel from a pretty decent guy, all these small issues that they can't resolve must make them bitter. It's interesting indeed, and I have to live with it. I thought midgets could do this nicely and get away with it! I'm not getting that special treatment! Oh man, I have to change my perceptions a little and give my appearance some more credit. People have been telling me "So what?!" about my height, even those who think "You're so short!" When I get placed with that sort of criticism, I think I still want to be prolific. I think I might not have too much to worry about it because my appearance meets an expectation that I can protect another individual, if I truly work at it.

In a way, I know that I am not really getting any special treatment. I have been very sensitive about my appearance and how it's been bugging me throughout life. I do not want to undergo any surgery, just have this feeling that I wish I could be this way a little more sometimes. My mom just wishes to tell me to shut up, every time I nag to her about being short. Maybe it's another indication that I am normal to her and that I'm really hurting myself for a stupid reason. I think I can now afford to earn the trust of women who may feel I am a bitter rivalry.

There must be a trick to all of this nonsense. There are people in my life who I truly respect with a committed passion. Maybe if I placed them in the shoes while writing to these people who I feel annoyed with, it would give a pretty normal and respectful effect. So maybe I might need some time to reason it out these days.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Trying Hard And Enduring Suffering

Sometimes, it could feel as if people do not want to deal with you. It takes a lot of work, especially when you don't know what's happening. I have dealt with a lot of harsh situations and turned up a little short on knowing where my successes lie. It takes a little bit of talent to be able to come up with things on the fly. You always wish you could have this ideal situation, but it might not always come to pass. I think if it's a manageable situation then things can really occur in what you were looking for.

A lot of it for me deals with having an open heart. To be able to carry the burden of a big heart and be diligent. I think one of the neat things about being born different is that it could used as an advantage. Let's say, I was burned up in a car accident which would be really enraging and stressful or make me want to get some plastic surgery. I think if there's an understanding we can negotiate then things turn out better. For me, my crippling effect has been failure to get a grip of myself. I realize that I'm trying to keep my intentions to the purest form with no compromise and be honest without any intent of hurting the person. It gets frankly odd that a person may not see this as good and go spinning out of control, like it's okay for them to show it around me. I don't think I really have anything to apologize for. More or less, it must be just a person's sinful nature that I'm dealing with. I must be standing in his or her way. The balance that occurs is to think about the opposition. I think it's just simply that they don't like it, but what I really feel is that they are going to put themselves in a guilty situation. I really have to learn the right conduct to stay happy with these people who just plainly associate with weirdness.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Made Up Jack and Jill Story

One day, Jack and Jill were playing on a hill. Jack was the older brother, who used to watch his parents fight all the time. Jack always longed for a little brother that he could rough-house, but he never had one. Jill longed to be a middle child and have a little sister. Jill also did not receive her wish. Jack grew up a little mentally messed up from feeling lack of confidence. He felt low body-image and brain power, even though he excelled pretty well in school. He was a pretty well-disciplined boy, but felt an empty load of stress. It came to a period in life where Jack finally decided to put up his covers and stop considering others. He was just so fed up with everyone hurting his feelings by feeling so sensitive.

Jill on the other hand grew up pretty assertive and eventually started using some foul language. Jack does not know where Jill gets it from. Jack having a messed up head starts pumping adrenaline and gets no regard for his sister. It turned out to be a wrestling match because he was only trying to hug Jill. Jack did throw Jill into the grass once. I think Jack did not mind so much because he felt she would not get hurt. Jill then tiger-clawed Jack on the neck. Jack said, "You are hurting me." "Let go!" Jill said. Jack is the older brother and had absolutely no regard for his behavior that night. Jack was so fed up with Jill about not letting him change the radio station and being insulted for his taste in music. He was also fed up with Jill being so rude to him. Jill said, "I could take you! I could take you!" She wanted to avoid getting hugged, so she started screaming "Help me! Help me!" The neighbors would hear her and Jack would just stand there letting Jill look like a fool. Later, Jack stamped on Jill's car window and kept apologizing for his testosterone-driven moment. Jill just sped off, I think in the end, Jack was declared the victor.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Living In Confidence With Jesus

These days I sometimes feel like I'm a loose junkie because I can't get worries off my mind that I'm not in the same situation anymore. I guess I don't feel so secure about being very stable with myself always, like nothing is happening in my life. I really want to feel excited about something. It's really difficult for me to place commitments in this world because I've brought myself down so many times. I think by placing my desires upon living out the Bible, it has made me feel more encouraged to be of this world. Even through our shortcomings, it's by figuring out that the center of our very lives is on the Savior of this world that we fill ourselves back up when things are tough.

Repentance is truly a vital part, to get right with God. I know that some of us are more consumed with other things- it could be having looks, money, the best girlfriend/boyfriend, or stability. Through all the sufferings that occur, some have fallen even into suicide and selfish crimes only to allow the Enemy of this world to momentarily, weaken the faith. I get really uncomfortable around others at times too, with the thought of not wanting to come across as a negative person. It's been really hard for me to make negative remarks about people; it's like I want to try to still stay nice. I've sometimes believed that by reconciling with the people who have been against me, after being friendly to them, we would have a stronger relationship.

I believe that the curiosity of sex has also made me a little naughty on myself. Here's what I've come to discover, sexual abstinence leading up to marriage should be very sexy with all the tensions and strings flying up to the roof. Even if you are single and desiring it so much, you just have to be brave and observe God's command, so that you can reap this sexy benefit. It may be hard to see emotionally when under distress, but following God's commands are really in our best interest because the Lord has interest in all our human needs. We don't have to settle for second best under the Lord's wing. We just need to have a strong relationship with Jesus. I guess we know where our strengths and weaknesses are. It's generally important to me to really be able to see the potential goodness placed on the heart. Losing it could just really disrupt the flow in each of our lives. What the Bible truly says is by taking the whole account of the Bible and letting the Spirit teach us. This happens by having a strong relationship with Jesus. The relationship can grow even with the faith of a mustard seed.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Self-discipline and Being Dashing

I guess my life right now is centered around being emotionally filled. I've been through some ups and downs with inexplicable matters at times, but I'm not quite ready to classify myself as a person who has bi-polar disease. I think life is characterized with difficulties sometimes. To go through some pains of development because without it, it's hard to stay humbled. I think some people feel hardships in their heart but try to internalize it to try to encourage others to stay on pace. Some of these people could also go through misconceptions that they are angry about and start being disruptive in their private social circles, too.

I haven't done much growing apart with individuals because I haven't confided in what makes me unique or acceptable to others. Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me." I believe that God has developed man in His image, but that because of sin in our human nature; His Spirit has called us to become reliant on Him for direction and answers. I have heard parents and elders tell me to have self-esteem. I've been a little reluctant about doing it for just confidence because I'm questioning some of my selfish motives, right now.

I think the more useful approach to encourage ourselves is to develop self-discipline and being dashing. By being self-disciplined, we can avoid things that surely make us and other people who count in our lives unhappy. By being dashing, the energy can be circulated from love and it's healthy to interact with others and to be so enthused about being around good people. These two attributes to me are down-to-earth and not encouraging others to be deceitful and selfish. It's just a pure coincidence in how God intended for us to truly help ourselves.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Time of the Year

I think my writing has finally come to a period with my development of keeping in check with reliance on the Holy Spirit. I believe that the best times have occurred from trying to be in overdrive and not worrying so much about how I am conceived. I think by being that way and tuning out to some friends going through a mid-life crisis of some sort really caused me to get some frustrated remarks. I guess people can feel a little jealous with you sometimes and them not knowing it. I used to feel really diffident, shy, and left out of the circle without that effortless ability we all need from each other.

It's come to a time in my life where it's really about making a stand for the truth. Today's date marks a very important day in history for a lot of us. We all have a good part in the making of something. Today is the Election Day with some important propositions to vote upon. I guess I became really rattled growing up and now that I'm getting out of it and willing to make some life's improvements for myself, I realize that my passions can be good but sometimes selfish. I have tried countless times to deprive my heart of desires by growing up, it's been hard to just want to give up. In anything I did, I would also conceive this expectation of myself and be willing to spend hours working at it. I would always find people better than me because of my nervousness. I'm starting to grow out of all those things. The Bible has truly been a mystery to me and changed my life through living out its applications. In a sense, I feel so free to be myself and acknowledge that there is a loving Creator out there to heal the heart, which is way more important than the countenance.

Monday, November 3, 2008

When Things Get Rough

When things get rough, I've realized that placing trust in God to deliver me into better times has come true. Sometimes, it's hard for an individual to see where God is especially if everything does not quite fit in a complete puzzle for him or her. I know that I've struggled emotionally to find Jesus, but there's been a period where I just decided to dedicate my time to studying the Bible and listening to the inspired teaching of God's Word. It's really filling and edifying and sometimes, our lives need to center around it so we don't starve ourselves and place our focus on idols of this world.

Currently, with my life I am trying to find a job to focus on. I have also had some friends ask me if I have a girlfriend. My next door neighbor and mom are expecting me to find a nice woman to marry soon. They just emphasize how they would want their man to have a stable job so that she could be supported by him. It's like the guy is supposed to support the woman and not the other way around. It must stem from how they are really tired with working so hard and want some relaxation. I think women seem to feel a little more bothered than guys do at times. Another friend told me the man in a relationship is someone who she gets to lean on during her fallen moments. I can really live with it because there's a joy in living with the spouse you really love and become best friends with. Right now, my life is a little tough because my emotions are not quite what they used to be. I really need to refrain from some things so that I can experience a more self-controlled life and allow the Holy Spirit to move me. I feel really good about marrying someone right now. I just can't deny what God may have in store for me with someone. I know that the world sees us as young still and marrying at around the age of twenty-five seems to be average. I will admit that my heart is desiring and getting excited to know more about a woman whose my type.