Saturday, November 15, 2008

Made Up Jack and Jill Story

One day, Jack and Jill were playing on a hill. Jack was the older brother, who used to watch his parents fight all the time. Jack always longed for a little brother that he could rough-house, but he never had one. Jill longed to be a middle child and have a little sister. Jill also did not receive her wish. Jack grew up a little mentally messed up from feeling lack of confidence. He felt low body-image and brain power, even though he excelled pretty well in school. He was a pretty well-disciplined boy, but felt an empty load of stress. It came to a period in life where Jack finally decided to put up his covers and stop considering others. He was just so fed up with everyone hurting his feelings by feeling so sensitive.

Jill on the other hand grew up pretty assertive and eventually started using some foul language. Jack does not know where Jill gets it from. Jack having a messed up head starts pumping adrenaline and gets no regard for his sister. It turned out to be a wrestling match because he was only trying to hug Jill. Jack did throw Jill into the grass once. I think Jack did not mind so much because he felt she would not get hurt. Jill then tiger-clawed Jack on the neck. Jack said, "You are hurting me." "Let go!" Jill said. Jack is the older brother and had absolutely no regard for his behavior that night. Jack was so fed up with Jill about not letting him change the radio station and being insulted for his taste in music. He was also fed up with Jill being so rude to him. Jill said, "I could take you! I could take you!" She wanted to avoid getting hugged, so she started screaming "Help me! Help me!" The neighbors would hear her and Jack would just stand there letting Jill look like a fool. Later, Jack stamped on Jill's car window and kept apologizing for his testosterone-driven moment. Jill just sped off, I think in the end, Jack was declared the victor.