Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Pursuit of God

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone or glad that you were able to read this after the date. I'm realizing that my struggles and successes can be so easy to be consumed with that you can forget the big picture of God's salvation. Having been tested so erratically because of my former eccentric ways of being taciturn, I realize that commitment through my sufferings have been not always done in vain. It's wonderful to have better people to step up the plate, after you die to yourself and have had major battles with getting business going.

I believe there are key elements to being successful in life. However, I'm starting to learn that the result won't always be pretty and will often entail the deepest pet peeves you could ever dream of. My younger sister has told me that making friends are very easy; this implies to me you don't ever have to worry about how you come across as a person as long as you observe some natural ethics. It's quite funny that by being quiet, it's been easy for me to be overlooked and that I heard some very odd conversations about people being rude from her and roommates. Man, those sort of things really offend me. By being so mustered, I took on the role of trying to evangelize because I feel this bravery that takes over me. This sense of satisfaction from telling people that they are loved by Jesus in no matter what condition they are in. It's been tough for me to always point the good because I would often find myself upset at people's criticism and especially, if the sister starts yelling and screaming just because you said a word she did not understand! 1 Corinthians 13 of the Bible states that love is not rude and is patient. Thanks to accepting pure honesty with myself, which takes a lot of bravery to do; I think that the heart is the most important for any individual. The natural-outward appearance gets complimented through observing healthy practices, being diligent, having a wonderful personality, confidence, and giving effort.

What I'm trying to say is that it's worth suffering by limiting entertainment, doing hard work, and getting to know your innate desires. Some desires might actually be so entertaining and inspiring to give thanks to the Lord! I think as long as you trust in the Lord, you can definitely not have any fear of losing it; especially, if you try to do things for God's kingdom. I'm not saying to become a missionary and make these big changes that you are not comfortable with. I'm saying being open to making adjustments without being selfish.