Saturday, December 5, 2015

Success After So Many Failures

It takes so many attempts to succeed for me, but it's well worth it for me to get there. It's humbling for me. I guess a lot of the reasons for why I keep on trying is because it's just addictive for me. I think it's important to have a strong ambition and great work ethic. It's really hard in the beginning, unless you were just born for something but once you can get through it, it becomes a little easier and can be much more enjoyable. I guess this is just like anything with life.

I totally believe that sticking to the roots of worshiping God with the Bible will seriously help you get to where you need to be. Maybe, I'm just like a commoner or unique peasant to the world that people can just have a nice regard for because of my demeanor. I mean I want to give off a great witness to the world about how loving God really is and that those who are not saved from being convicted of His goodness might open up their hearts too.

Some places are evil and I'm among the people there. I know that, but I still would like some to come to the knowledge that they are in a bad place and should change their ways while accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I can't really force that on people, but it would be nice to see some bad people just do a complete 180-degree turn in their lives.