Sunday, December 6, 2015

Feeling Good

It's this nervous type of feeling that I'm getting in that I need to finish something that I started. I want to get this blog ended for the year with 365 posts again! You can't really blame me for that because I've been doing it for at five years now straight. It would just be like a kick in the private area for me if I missed it by just one post, just like how I missed a few posts last month. I'm going to be on it this month until I get 365 posts total!

It would also be not so cool for me if I exceed my amount as well. It would just be so crazy, but I really like I'm how one of the most active bloggers around from just putting whatever while averaging one post daily. Even though I'm not really getting attention on this blog, like I only had about 18 visits today and yes, not including my own. The maximum I've had was like 100 people and that's it! It's a high note for me, when I manage to get those types of post going.

I think it happens when I'm talking all funny or controversial about stuff that happened in my life. Everybody can get all rattled about the little stuff and get annoyed with other people's personalities and start dissing them behind their back. It's just that I choose not to do it, while thinking about it and then I just offend people by telling them very offensive jokes about themselves because I'm so annoyed with them. Yeah, it's all part of being human while maintaining relations with others.

In terms of Jesus talk, I believe that Jesus is perfect even though he offended the Pharisees back in the New Testament. Sure, we live in the New Testament but I'm talking about like back in 30 A.D. during the Roman Empire. In a nutshell, even though Jesus is still perfect while he offended those religious leaders, we are not when we offend others because we live in sin! Uh oh, our hearts are basically composed of evil and corrupt desires. The Bible says so and by having heard that from someone, I was so mad at him for awhile. I'm now more open to accepting while I have a little sense of humor about my past misgivings and also from having sought after repentance. The reason why we aren't perfect with others and can sometimes have conflict in a social atmosphere is because of our personality flaws.