Saturday, February 7, 2009

Talking and Writing

Things have been so different for me these days. I am trying with all my might to find the goodness achieved through our Lord and Savior. I see that putting our confidence in Jesus helps us to walk in our worst moments. To be growing in my faith, it has been an incredible challenge. I see myself as incapable of doing really anything, but I believe that God has called me to find harmony with others.

I don't really see everything at first glance. I believe that God does marvelous things to me when a person has something against me. It's amazing how words can really affect a person's emotions. God gave me this ability to work under my own pains to lead people to restore the way things were before. I used to do a lot of apologizing back then. I think that was the key because I did not know what was going on fully. I think through apologizing and placing agenda on my own needs with a person, I have not been able to grow in knowing the person better. I'm trying a more positive approach and finding it is going to take lots of effort to be considerate to the women affected by me. It's so easy to clarify good intentions by sticking with pure writing and talking as the actions. It's amazing how the least evil of things can make people angry. For example, writing with lack of clarity because I want to edify and worship the Lord through words. Brothers and sisters have told me I'm on the right path by communicating my desires with the Lord. I am ready to push ahead to greater things. Mainly the affected people are best to just clarify with the greatest purposes in mind.