Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bernie Mac and Issac Hayes Passing away this month

I recently heard about the deaths of Bernie Mac and Issac Hayes, who were well-known actors/comedians. I'm not really sure to what to make of it, but I did read somewhere that George Clooney said the death of a loved comedian makes the world a less funny place.

Giving people who passed away a tribute for appreciating their contributions in tough wrap-ups is like a de facto standard. How I view myself when I pass away doesn't seem to be very bothersome for me! My mom reasoned me that people who die will finally get the last laugh. This is a dark joke that I will reveal. I can imagine a play where a dying man tells his loving family that he re-financed all of his mortgage and donated it to the poor and then just falls flat dead on his death bed. It would make it kind of hard for the kids to pay off the house again if they are attached to it.

Another interesting theory would be to confess an enraging secret to a friendly nemesis and then pass away laughing. I don't necessarily advocate it because the Bible states that people should show love and respect for nice stewardship in this world. I realize that managers will be obsequious to entry-level workers, especially if their business is about training them. Respecting customers no matter what creates good business these days.