Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Writing Through...

The powers that be are referring to God's ultimate grace. I know that I have a lot of problems inside of me that want to be released. My mom has told me that some people just work out to release this tension. I think it's a totally different time for me because I need to deal with these long term annoying issues. I just can't seem to let them get off my head, unless I separate from the person.

I just need to focus on what God is doing for me. It's going to be really difficult for me to figure out where I need to go. I have so many desires dealing with people, and now I am starting to get a little offended by being wronged. I think it's just a matter of doing the right thing, no matter what has been done. I think sometimes your best friends do not always come through for you because all you really have in the end is Jesus.

I'm going to write that I know the bad things of immature people or people I'm not really in good terms with. It's just a matter for me to do things smoothly and figure out the connection for each different person. It sucks that I have to deal with these headaches. I just wish that I could do whatever I wanted that would not land me in jail and receive all the blessings. I think I surely have a lot of things to repent of still. I am working hard and not allowing others to bring me down. I think in the end it's going to wind down to prayer and finding happiness with the right desires.